Chapter 19 ~ When the devil comes knocking

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Dean and Castiel where sat at their spot at the long wooden table placed in the center of the bunker. Shoulders pressed into each other, the happy couple had been planning there wedding for a good 4 hours. Sam walked into the room to see the tower of beer bottles placed around the couple and spoke "jeez, do yous ever plan on moving?" Deans head flicked over to Sam with a grin and said "We've been planning all morning, i actually feel sorry for women who do this on their own" Sam started to laugh again, he picked up half of the beer bottles and left the room. Dean placed his hand on Castiels thigh who was still writing up what they needed, Dean said "Cas? why don't we have the wedding in the bunker?" Castiel put his pen down and looked at Deans eyes and questioned "The bunker?" and Dean nodded stroking Castiels inner thigh, "Think about it, it will be cheaper and we don't need that much space because we have what 7 guest if you include us and the priest.Also being home means no rules and the bedroom is just next door" Dean was stopped by Castiel leaning forward and kissing Dean slowly before pulling back saying "That's a great idea". The two of them just looked into each others eyes, lovingly and happy.

Suddenly their was a knock at the door causing the both of them to jump, Sam ran in the room and shouted "I'll get it". Dean and Castiel stood up and watched the scene play out. Sam opened the door to be surprised by Crowley to be stood their. "Hello moose, can I come in" Sam stuttered "Yeah of course" Crowley nodded and flashed into the main room just in front of the dazed couple. Dean smiled and said "Wasn't expecting you Crowley, What's up" Crowley took a deep breathe and said "Well boys, it's a bit like before, got some crazy lose demons on the streets and I need your help to send them back" Castiel suddenly got very serious "Your not very good at looking after your demons Crowley" causing Crowley to smirk "Well feathers, looks like squirrel here has finally toughened you up" Dean spoke up "Hey Crowley that's enough, anyway Castiel is already like 100 times stronger than you". The room went quite for a bit when Sam spoke "Well Crowley, what do you need us to do?" But Dean spoke almost over him saying "Hey why should we help him, Last time we did Castiel got Stabbed in the back and he was not alright" Castiel patted him with his left hand on Deans right thigh saying "Dean it's okay, I was fine; We could use a break from the wedding planning" Dean looked at him but nodded causing Crowley to smile and speak "Great let's get going".

They all got in Dean's trademark black 1967 Chevrolet Impala, Dean sitting behind the wheel with Castiel to his side where he would never leave, Sam and Crowley sat in the back with laptops and newspapers open looking for Demon action in the news. Castiel spoke up "Any news back there" Sam said "Yeah, 20 miles up the rood, looks like 12 maybe 13 Demons have been killing around a farm" Crowley nodded "Makes sense... What Demons like there wildlife" causing chuckles around the car. Deans eyes were stuck on the road, Castiel noticed the worried look in his eyes and started to get worried himself. While Sam and Crowley talked in the back, Castiel placed his hand on Deans which was on the gear stick and said "Baby doing alright?" Deans glanced over and said "Yeah Cas, I'm alright" Then Cas spoke almost straight after "No your not, Your worried about me getting hurt again aren't you?" Dean froze before almost whispering "How could you tell" followed by a small laugh. Castiel said "I can see it in your eyes, I'll be fine Dean, like you said i'm very strong" causing Dean to laugh a bit louder "Okay Cas". Sam looked ahead and said "Okay we are here, me and Crowley will go through the front while you and Castiel can go through the back to stop any from escaping. Okay?" and everyone agreed.

The four of them left the car, Dean patting the hood saying "Won't be long" they all took their positions and started the ambush. Dean and Castiel opened the back of the barns doors to be confronted with 6 out of possible 13 Demons. Two of the Demons noticed Castiels angel blade almost straight away and charged for him but were taken out in seconds by Castiels quick movement towards them slicing both with a possible 5 strikes each. Dean was impressed but then charged toward 2 of the 4 left , dodging the Demon blades and using the angel blade Castiel gave him to fight them back. Both Castiel and Dean fought against 2 demons each, Dean won against his two with only a couple of scratches on him and looked over to Castiel to see him also standing on his own with a couple of fading buses and cuts. Dean nodded at Castiel to makes sure he was okay and they headed further into the Barn, When they opened the door they weren't expecting to see Sam and Crowley taking on 8 of there own Demons each, Dean ran towards Sam and helped him while Castiel did the Sam with Crowley. Toward the end , Dean and Sam were doing good and so were Castiel and Crowley until they both went for the last demon at the same time, Castiel killing him but since he disappeared faster than normal, Crowley fell forwards with his Demon blade, striking Castiel in the upper arm and as he fell, the Dagger dug into his arm and got dragged down to his palm.

Crowley collapsed against the floor but was okay, Sam and Dean managed to kill there last Demon as a team when Dean heard Castiel scream out an echoing pain. Dean looked at Sam and then ran towards the area he was in, he was sick to see Crowley getting of the floor coughing out some blood and to see Castiels perfect arm bleeding out a massive amount of blood. Castiel fell to the floor but Crowley caught him and sat him up against some hay. Dean rushed over to his side followed by Sam. Dean, almost shouting "Cas, Castiel!" Cas coughed up some blood and said "It's okay, it's nothing, It's already healing and it was an accident" Followed by more blood coughs. Dean soaked in the words and looked at Crowley "You did this?" Crowley almost looked scared, he doesn't think hes ever seen Dean so mad and said "Yeah but -" Crowley didn't manage to finish what he was saying because Dean punched him straight in the face with full power sending Crowley backwards. Dean spoke "Basted, you didn't think i wasn't going to do anything for you hurting my Fiancee did you?" Sam laughed a bit knowing he would be fine because he could heal. Dean looked back at Castiel to see his arm had almost completely healed making him smile, he wrapped Castiels good arm around his waist and said "Come on, Lets go home" and the four of them got up and walked back to the car.

By the time they got back to the bunker Castiels arm was almost completely healed, Dean walked Castiel down the set of stairs holding his hand and took him to there seats at the wooden table. Sam moved into the kitchen and grabbed four bottles of beer and passed one to everyone, he even offered one to Crowley and said "Your welcome to stay tonight if you want" and Crowley nodded and took the beer from him. Dean smiled at the happy atmosphere in the room when he looked at his fiancee who was looking at the wedding plans once again. Dean placed his arm around the back of his chair, resting his head on Castiels shoulder. Castiel smiled at Deans affection and said "It's crazy isn't, We're getting married in the next chapter" ( ;) ;) ) Dean smiled "It's crazy that we are getting married at all ... You know, I didn't think this would ever happen to me" Castiel smiled and suddenly brought the two of them into a sweet kiss which slowly turned more passionate. Deans tongue took charge of the kiss and Castiels hand trailed up Deans back under his top, Crowley walked into the room to see this scene and spoke "Do you not have a room or something"making Dean fly back and look at Crowley with demonic eyes. Castiel laughed and Sam said "You get used to it" and laughed along side Castiel. Dean stood up packing away all their planning, Grabbed Castiels hand and took them into there room.

Sam and Crowley got another beer each and started to speak "Is everything okay with you and hell Crowley" Sam questioned, Crowley was surprised at the question and for once decided to answer honestly "you know what moose, hell is lonely sometime, i'm stuck down their with crazy demons who don't even listen to me while you squirrel and feathers sit up here in your bunker of a home having fun and enjoying life... does that answer your question" Castiel spoke. Sam was taken back by his honesty and came to the conclusion "You know this bunker has like 8 extra rooms, If you wanted you could always have a room he for a break or something" Crowley looked at Sam waiting for the catch but when he noticed there wasn't one he said "Would that be okay with them two hooking up in there?" Sam laughed and said "I'll make sure of it" and they clinked their beers together, spending the rest of the night just talking . 

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