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Yo Armin hurry up with lunch!!!!!

Armin: I'm hurrying I'm hurrying! Sheesh.

Then hurry faster! I'm starving!

Armin: Its not my fault you skipped breakfast.

Just hurry up.

Lizzy: Someone's grumpy.

I'm lightheaded and my head hurts so yeah.

Lizzy: Why?

Don't ask

Hange: Eli! Where's the hydroxide?

In the garage I believe. Why?

Hange: its for an experiment. Thanks!

Both: Ok?

Ugh. *plays with fidget spinner*

Lizzy: You have that too?

I have two of them.

Lizzy: lucky!

Armin: Lunch ready in five.

Both: Yes!

*there's a crash nearby, probably Hange*

Lizzy: What is Hange doing in there?

I don't know and I don't care. Its Hange. You know she be doing her crazy experiments in the lab. Let Hange be.

Lizzy: You're probably right.

Armin: You know, I don't get the fact why she's always in there. Her experiments always fail.

Lizzy: she was working on a cat potion and look where it ended up as.

Armin: Ok. That was Arty's fault that the potion broke. Besides, I like the ears and tail.

What about the teeth?

Armin: Meh... i-


All 3: What?

*something hits Armin and he knocks out*

--- 1 hours later ---
*Lizzy and Eli are sitting on a scratched sofa with scratch marks on their faces*

She's gonna freak out if she sees him like this right?

Lizzy: Yep.

I'm dead

Lizzy: So dead.

Hange: Here Kitty kitty! Come to Hange!

Armin: *hisses as he climbs up the wall*

Hange: Oh come on!

What time is it?

Lizzy: 4:00

What time did she say she would come back?

Lizzy: 4:15.

We have 15 minutes to fix Armin before I get killed.

Lizzy: 13 minutes to be in fact

Right! I have a plan.
Hange: Armin please. Come down and be a good kitty.

Armin: *hisses*

Lizzy: Oh Armin! *places down milk* Do you want a nice warm bowl of milk?

Hange: Milk? That won't-

*Armin jumps down and heads for the bowl of milk. He then starts to drink the milk*

Hange: Wow.... That actually worked.

Lizzy: Do you have an antidote?

Hange: Eli has it.

Lizzy: Good. NOW ELI!


*Eli sneaks up on Armin and grabs him but then Armin sneaks behind her and grabs Eli instead making her drop the antidote*

Armin: *hisses*

Calm down Armin! We're trying to-

Armin: *chokes her from behind*

Damn it! *teleports to one of the beams of the ceiling* Lizzy! Grab the antidote!!!

Lizzy: On it!

Armin: *hisses as he takes out his claws and digs into her arm*

Ah!!!! Hurry!!!! He's using his claws!!!!

Hange: I thought Armin didn't have claws?

Well he does now! Lizzy!!!!

Lizzy: on it! *aims at Armin and shoots*

*dart hits Armin causing both him and Eli to fall 5 meters. They both land on each other in the hard wooden floor*

Armin: *moans in pain* My back.

*moans in pain* I think I popped my back.

Armin: Get off of me Eli!

Sorry. *gets off* ah! My back hurts!

Armin: Tell me about it. What happened?

Lizzy: Another one of Hange's "experiments"

Armin: Ah. Well then *looks at his hands* can someone explain WHY I HAVE CLAWS!!!!!!!!

*they all look at Hange*

Hange: he he. Well... I was trying to find a cure to the neko potion I made that turned you and Arty into nekos. I experimented with hydroxide and some other compounds in the centrifuge which malfunctioned and sent one test tube flying with landed on your face... He he.

Armin: why do I have claws!!!!!!

Hange: That potion must've woken up more of your cat genes within your DNA which caused you to have claws.

Armin: Its already enough that I have the ears and the tail and the teeth of a cat BUT FREAKING CLAWS?!

Hange: he he...

Armin: Are they at least retractable?

Lizzy: Cat claws are retractable so I guess so?

Armin: *retracts claws* Cool. *takes claws out*

*front door opens*

Annie: I'm home...

Armin: Oh no. *can't retract claws* uh oh.

They're stuck?

Arin: Yes! *hides hands behind back*

*all the nekos rush in*

Lizzy: How was the park?

Annie: fun I guess.

Michael: We went on the swings!

Ace: and played in the sand!

Lizzy: Cool!

Armin: h- hi Annie. *gets nervous*

Annie: Armin? What are you hiding behind your back?

Armin: Nothing! Nothing at all!

Annie: Ok?

Well that's it for today! Hope you have a nice, CLAWLESS, day!


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