Is Armin gay or European?

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*Annie and Eli enter the kitchen arguing*

Annie: I had him first SO BACK OFF!

NEVER! #ILoveArminArlert!

Annie: #NoILoveArminArlert!

Mikasa: I had him first so BACK OFF PEOPLE!


Mikasa: you heard me. Eren and I had him first.

Both: true but this is a conversation between me and her so.

Eren: just let them argue Mikasa.

Mikasa: fine.

Both: thank you are back off! Me? No you! Armin!

Eren: in the infirmary.

Both: thanks.

--- infirmary ---
Armin: holy crap Hange that hurts!

Hange: sorry. *Takes off Armin's eye patch* Damn...

Armin: it's not healing isn't.

Hange: it doesn't look like it. But, just to make sure, cover your left eye.

Armin: alright. *Covers left eye*

Hange: alright, how many fingers am I holding? *Holds up 2 fingers*

Armin: um... *Squints* I don't know. Everything's all foggy. 10?

Hange: ... Not even close.

Armin: *sighs*

Hange: now take off your shirt. I wanna see how your injuries are healing.

Armin: *sighs* alright. *Takes off shirt*

Both: ARMIN! SHE WON'T STOP- *blushes deeply and nosebleeds* ARMIN!

*They can see Armin's body wrapped in bandages but since it's Armin, they have to fangirl...*

Hange: oh my.

*Stuffs nose with tissue* I'm fine.

Annie: I'm not. *Starts to fan herself*

Oh god no. *Helps Annie sit*

Armin: you ok?

Annie: y- yeah. I'm fine.

Armin: good.

Few, that was a close one.

Armin: tell me about it

Hange: what are you guys doing here anyways?

Both: we forgot.

Armin: 😑 really.

Annie: yeah. Anyways, where are my tacos!

Armin: I'll make them as soon as I'm finished with this checkup.

Hange: I'll just change the bandages and then you can have rose tacos ok?

I can make them if you want

Annie: no because you burn them.


Armin: true.

Fine. I'll go see what the nekos are doing

Annie: I'll come too.

*they both leave*

Hange: now, turn around.

Armin: *sighs*

*4:45 pm*

Armin: Annie! The tacos are ready!

*no response*

Armin: hello? Anyone here?

*no response*

Armin: sheesh. A person asks for tacos but then leaves. Why?

*everyone walks in wearing shiny top hats, including Anniw surprisingly*

Armin: oh no.

*everyone finishes with jazz hands*

Armin: 😑😑😑

So? How did you like it?

Armin: I'm freaking polish.

Everyone: what?

Armin: you're sleeping in the Guest room tonight Annie.

Annie: what? Why?

Armin: change my mind otherwise.

Annie: ... How am I suppose to do that?

Armin: I dunno. Until then, *closes room door*

Annie: ...

Armin: I'm just kidding you know.

Annie: I was gonna say.

Well that's all for today


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