Chapter Twenty-nine

Start from the beginning

"Tell me, was it because you loved Itachi so much? That you were willing to kill someone just to get him?"

"YES!! HE DESERVES TO BE WITH ME!! I LOVE HIM SINCE OUR TIME IN THE ACADEMY!!" Sakura stabbed Izumi with ten swords.

"Seventy-two hours of torture starts now."

Out side of the genjutsu, Sakura was glaring at Itachi.


"The weddings off."


"I thought you loved me."

"I do!"

"Then why? Why did you make out with her?"


"The weddings off. I'm moving out, our relationship is over." Sakura stepped over the crumpled body of Izumi.

"Please don't leave. I love you." She paused for a moment. Itachi begged her desperately.

"I love you too. But it's over. It ended the moment you kissed her back."

"Give me one more chance. I never meant to-"

"YOU NEVER MEANT TO WHAT?! MAKE OUT WITH YOUR EX?! CHEAT ON ME?! I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU!!" Her anger exploded as she screamed with tears in her eyes.

"I love you. I-"


"I didn't-"

"AND I DIDN'T MEAN TO THROW THIS RING OFF BUT LOOK IT HERE! I DID!!" Sakura ripped the emerald ring off of her ring finger and chucked it at his chest.


"I HATE YOU!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" She screamed as she ran out the door. The girls were waiting for Sakura at the front door. They had heard everything. Hell, they wouldn't be surprised if the who village heard. She ran past the girls and disappeared. Mikoto, Fugaku, Sasuke, Naruto, and Shisui appeared from their rooms with a mortified expression. Even Fugaku was horrified. They could hear a thump and sobs coming from his room. Nobody moved, nobody did anything. They just stared at each other.

"Rider." Sasuke finally said. Naruto turned to him with a horrified expression.

"GO!!" The two boys sprinted in the direction of the pinkette. They found her, after three hours of searching, in the forest. Or what was left of it. The trees had been destroyed, leaves ferociously spinning in the air. They found Sakura staring at the ground.

"Sakura?" Sasuke called out softly as he inched slowly towards the girl.

"Sasuke." She breathed out of breath. He quickly caught the falling girl and lifted her up.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Take me to the girls." Sasuke teleported them to the Uchiha compund. The girls were sitting on the couch anxiously.

"Sakura!" Ino yelled, causing the girls to jump up and hug her.

"Girls, we're staying at Ino's house." Sakura announced as she jumped out of Sasuke's grip. They nodded silently and walked away. Itachi ran downstairs and hugged her from behind.

"Please. Don't leave me." His eyes were puffy and tears were streaming from his eyes.

"Let me go." Sakura said quietly.

"I don't want to lose you. I love you. I'll do anything, please. Please, don't leave me." He choked as he cried.

"You already lost me." Sakura teleported a couple feet away and walked out with the girls. He watched as their figures grew smaller and disappeared. He trembled before falling to his knees. The Uchiha stared at heart broken Itachi. Nobody has ever seen Itachi cry.

"Sakura." He whispered at the empty space. His chest was pounding and it hurted. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Itachi." Shisui called out softly.

"I lost her, Shisui."


"She's gone."


"Get Izumi out of my room before I kill her." Sasuke was the one to obey his command. Itachi shook off Shisui's hand off and stood up tall.

"Itachi?" Mikoto called out. He turned with his eyes closed.

"Son." His eyes snapped open to reveal a new sharingan. One that was never seen before.

"Your eyes." Mikoto shook in fear at the sharingan.

"I'm going out." Itaxhi slammed the front door shut as he exited. The villagers whispered at the dishevelled Uchiha. He was always seen as neat and organized. But right now, his hair stuck out inodd angles, his eyes were puffy and swollen, his clothes were wrinkled. His new sharingan scared them the most. He marched into Tsunade's office.



"You want a mission?" The room was dark and she could barely see his face.


"Step into the light." Itachi stood still, not moving an inch. She sighed. "No."

"I need a mission."

"Great, I'll have your team assissting you."


"Something happened between you and Sakura." She could tell by the coldness of his voice.

"I need a mission."

"You are suspended until you fix things with Sakura."

"She doesn't want to see me again."

"So?! You're supposed to win her back!"


"What happened?"

"Izumi Uchiha."


"She managed control my body. Sakura thought that I was cheating on her." Tsunade's fist smashed the table.

"Bring her here. You need to tell Sakura."


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