Chapter Twenty-eight

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Itachi woke up when he felt tiny fingers threading through his hair. Bright green eyes stared gently at him with a smile accompanying it.

"Morning." He smiled at her angelic voice. Now that they were engaged and soon to be married, he would have the pleasure of hearing her melodic voice and claiming her luscious body.

"Morning." Her fingers cupped his cheeks as she leaned in for a kiss. Itachi, however, had different plans. She felt the air whiz past her and the feeling on the bed pressed onto her back.

"We should join them for breakfast."

"Yes." But his actions contradicted his answer. He leaned closer to the naked girl and nibbled on her neck. She moaned softly, angling her head so he could have more.

"Ah, Itachi. We really should go now." As if on cue, an obnoxious banging on the door interrupted his lustful plans.

"Oye, wake up!" Shisui yelled from behind the door in a much annoyed tone. Itachi sighed and watched as his fiancé pulled some of his clothes on her desirable body. She smiled at him as he reluctantly lifted himself from the bed. Shisui was waiting for them outside the door with a big smirk. Mikoto had almost knocked Sakura down the moment she walked in the kitchen.

"Ah! I'm so happy! I was wondering if I could be the wedding designer?" Mikoto squealed in excitement. She only let go of Sakura, and very stubbornly, when Fugaku told her to release the suffocating girl.

"I was actually going to ask you that anyways." Mikoto squealed and hugged Fugaku who just sighed. But if you looked closely, you could see a faint smile on his face as he watched his wife in a happy mood.

"Congratulations son." Fugaku patted Itachi's shoulder and received a silent nod as a thank you.

"So, when is the wedding going to be?" Shisui asked as he lazily plopped down onto the ground.

"Oh, uh, Itachi?" Sakura looked to Itachi for some answers.

"A month or two."

"How about a month and a half?" Mikoto suggested.

"Sounds good."


"I'm pretty sure the girls are summoning me now. I have to go, bye Itachi." She pecked his lips quickly before disappearing into the town. The first place she went to was Ino's house, considering it was her best friend's house. When she walked in, she found more than one girl. Temari, Tenten, Hinata, and Ino all sat in a chair. Their leg was folded ontop of the other and their hands laid ontop of their knees. She could see the smirks and knew they had been waiting all night for the details.

"So?" They all said in unison.

"Itachi proposed." She held out the hand which contained the emerald ring. They all screamed and jumped on her.

"Girl we know! What happened after that? Sexy time?" Ino wiggled her eyebrows.

"Hmph." The girls giggled at the blushing blossom.

"C-congratulations S-Sakura."

"Thank you."

"When's the wedding?"

"In a month and a half. Mikoto is planning the wedding."

"We should shop for your dress in a week." Ino grabbed a scroll and began to write down their plans.

"Did you use protection?" Temari asked.



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