The Night I Waited For

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  • Dedicated to Heather Crumpton

This is for the girls who are disguised as characters. xoxox


Standing in front of the mirror, clipping a sapphire necklace around her neck, Becky let out a contented sigh.

The day had been everything she had expected. A buzz at school, in anticipation of the night to come, a mad rush from place to place, and the enjoyable afternoon spent pampering herself and her friends, Erin and Sophie.

As it rolled around to 7 o'clock, Sophie's house was a mash of crashing doors, shout-outs to help find Erins's missing shoe and final blasts of music. A serene twirl in front of Sophie's floor length mirror, and a tug at a piece of hair, and Becky deemed her appearance nothing short of perfect. A sixteen year old, standing in a midnight blue ball gown, with her brunette hair up, and naturally glowing as she looks at herself in the mirror. Ready for the prom.

"You two, are you ready to present?" Becky called out.

"I'm good to go!" came Erin's enthusiastic reply from the master bedroom. I could tell even from here she was bouncing up and down with excitement.

Sophie said "I am- right... now. Are you there Dan?" Dan is Sophie's big brother and here to be camera man for us tonight. Plus, he told us behind Sophie's back, this is a night he would never have missed for the world, or forget in a hurry. Becky smiled as she remembered the single thought that had gone through her mind then- a simple Bless. Especially as Erin's face had lit up at the though of Dan seeing her all dolled up, and looking amazing.

Dan switched on his camera, followed by Becky's (she wanted a copy of everything on her own camera) and said, "For full effect, I'm taking a wide shot, so I can get you all at the same time. I'll take continuous photos as you hug and gush over each other. OK? Now on the count of three- one, two, three!"

As Becky opened the door and stepped out she whipped her head first from one side to the other. Erin on the left looked amazing in the simple black and white puffy number that made her normally creamy skin look like it was back lighted, along with a luminescent heart shaped pearl nestled on her chest, and the matching earrings dangling from her ears, bouncing as she jumped on the spot.

Then Sophie gasped, catching Becky's attention, in the shorter red straight dress, and the perfect contrast of jet black hair, and black roses on her jewellery. Becky was soon engulfed in hugs from both sides. The reassuring clicks of Becky's camera soothed her, and putting a hand on both of her friend's shoulders, she nudged them apart, so they could stand, arms around each other for pictures.

Dan moved around them, getting photos from loads of angles, trying to get everyone looking perfect, and truthfully it wouldn't be that hard. Erin was grinning for ear to ear and glowing, along with Sophie looking like the model that she should have been; really sophisticated and looking not really bothered (though Becky knew better from the glint in her eyes). "Now for the single shots girls" Dan said, and of course it would be Sophie to step forward into the cameras gaze.

As she struck various poses, Erin and Becky watched, "ooh"ing and "ahh"ing at all the appropriate times. Dan quickly came and tugged Erin's arm. Erin blushed at the contact, and as Dan moved his hand, Becky saw goose bumps on Erin's arm. One of these days, they'll get it together, thought Becky. Erin was shyer than Sophie, and so Dan suggested some poses for her to try, and eventually she got into the swing of things and got less and less self-conscious.

Then it was Becky's turn. As she turned to and fro, Becky felt a good feeling in her gut. When she moved her arms, she thought Ahh, tonight is going to be a good one. For some it will be goodbye, but this feeling is more than that.

"Dan, can we have some couple shots now, before we show your parents, and the limo arrives?" Becky asked, pulling Erin towards her. Erin slotted an arm around Becky's waist, and as Dan started trying to get the black and white function for a few shots, Becky whispered in Erin's ear, "He's only two years older than you, it can happen girl. So. Tell. Him!" Erin pulled away, made sure Dan's attention was on the cameras, and pulled a face. Becky began to laugh, which attracted Dan's attention. Erin went an even deeper red, but posed for the photos. As soon as she could, she pushed Sophie forward for her photos with me.

"What did you say to her?" Sophie inquired as we posed, and Becky shot a look at Dan, who was paying close attention, and so replied with "When we're in the limo."

Sophie gave Becky a funny look before striking the "model" pose, and as per usual, Becky did her parody of it, making Dan and Erin chuckle. As they made eye contact, Dan winked at Erin, and Erin attempted to hide in the bathroom. But that was not going to happen on Becky's watch.

Becky pulled Erin forward, and passed her to Sophie, and then went to stand on the stairwell behind Dan, looking at the digital screen on her camera as Dan took pictures with his more professional camera. Becky leaned forward, and quietly said to Dan as the others untangled Erin's pearl from Sophie's hair, "Do you like Erin, more than as your little sisters friend?" Dan blushed immediately, and gaped like a fish, opening and closing his mouth. "Due to the lack of an angry rebuttal, I'd take that as a yes...." Becky turned around, and called to the girls, "Ready to show the parents?"


Next chapter coming soon.

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