Chapter 2

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Brendon slept well that night, dreaming of Dallon and other magnificent creatures. He rose early, just early enough to get dressed and meet Dal at the forest entrance. Dallon washed off in the lake, trying to look his best. He made his way to the forest entrance, the morning sun gleaming. Brendon took a deep breath before pushing back the trees and stepping in. "Dal?" He asked quietly. Dallon was running a bit late. He struggled to tame his mess of brown hair. He finally drew nearer to the forest edge when he heard his name being called. The familiar voice rung in his ears. Brendon saw Dallon moving quickly through the trees. He stepped closer, a wide smile crossing his face.

"Good morning!"

"Hey, Brendon." Dallon grinned.

A smile spread across the elf's face. "How'd you sleep?" He couldn't stop staring at Brendon, such a perfect figure.

"Well." The human stepped closer to him and gave him a tight hug. "How about you?"

"I didn't sleep." He answered truthfully and breathed a bit heavier, feeling the prince's arms around him once again. He didn't hug back.

"Why?" Brendon pulled back a bit and looked at him.

Dallon's cheeks grew red with embarrassment. "Oh- no reason..."

Brendon chuckled. "Alright, then." He looked down at Dallon's appearance. "You look well..."

"T-thank you... You look stunning."

Brendon couldn't help himself from blushing, hard. "Thank you as well..."

"Anytime," Dallon breathed heavily and smoothed down his ruffled shirt. It was rugged from living in the forest, but what else was he supposed to wear? He didn't really have anything.

"Are you alright?" Brendon furrowed his eyebrows.

"I, I'm okay..." Dallon was uneasy as he shifted his weight.

"Ah... okay..." Brendon nodded.

"I have one question... Why did you want to come back and see me?" Dallon's cheeks heated up, and he looked up at Brendon confused. Maybe he did really like him as a friend? But Dallon couldn't know for sure. For all he knew, Brendon could be getting close to him, just so he could go back to the King; and tell the King about the Elf community. If Dallon trusted Brendon fully, there was a chance that all of the woodland creatures could be killed. He had heard stories of what he was experiencing before.

"I've become quite fond of you... I suppose." Brendon shrugged a bit.

"I like you. I'd like to get to know you better." Dallon was stupid, he let his heart take over his brain.

"As do I, Dal." He nodded. "Tell me more about... elves, I guess."

"I am a woodland elf, my job is to help protect the Forest."

"That it?" Brendon smirked, and chewed on his tongue.

The elf bit down on his lip nervously. "I'm not very exciting. I'm one of the few that will help out humans. The rest will have you killed without question."

"Oh." Brendon nodded, a bit, growing more uncomfortable. "You're quite special, then." He inched closer to the elf, feeling a little more scared.

"No, I'm not special...Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He chuckled. "Might I hug you again?"

"Erm... Sure? You seem uncomfortable..." Dallon hugged Brendon carefully.

"I'm fine... just hoping that I am not killed by another elf." Dallon felt safe in Brendon's arms for some reason.

"They'd have to kill me first." Dallon was serious. He deeply cared about the prince, even though he had only known him a short time. He had a big heart. He'd sacrifice himself for anything else. For any other life. He'd put any other life before his own. He hated himself.

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