S e v e n t e e n

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  Today's the day. I thought to myself looking in the mirror fixing my hair until I would screw it up again trying to fix it. I had my black skinny jeans on as per usual, and now it was time to decide what shirt. I pulled on my 'I want to believe' shirt, then my shoes, I decided on my vans.

I texted Tyler saying I would be at his place in a bit, first I went to a little local café and got Tyler his usual coffee and a French press coffee for me. I got us both a vanilla scone and headed off to Tyler's.

"Come in!" Tyler yelled from the other side of the door.
"Hey ty." I said handing him his coffee and scone.
"Oh thank you!" He smiled.
"No problem." I replied after taking a sip of my coffee.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the music store today?" I asked Tyler
"Yeah sure, I could use some new strings for my ukulele."
"Alright, after we finish this stuff?" I asked.

Tyler and I finished our food and drinks and took my car to the music store, after the music store I was planing to go to the park, Tyler could play his ukulele because he brought it with us so the people at the music store could change the strings for him, then at the park I would ask the question.

"Hey ty, I'm gunna go look at the drumsticks."

I looked at all the different shapes and colors of sticks and decided on a red colored pair of sticks. Happy with my decision I went and paid for both mine and Tyler's things, Tyler's ukulele got new strings and we were out of the music store.

"Park now?" I asked after Tyler bucked his seat belt.
"Ooo yeah." Tyler replied with his lips shaped into an "o" shape.

  We made it to the park and went to sit on the little slope by the river, I laid down a blanket then laid facedown first.

  I exhaled for a few seconds then sat up.
"The sun feels so good!" I sighed
"I know, but maybe wearing black skinny jeans wasn't a good decision for either of us." Tyler laughed then laid down.
"So I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" I asked holding my breath, waiting for the answer.
"Yes, I will go on a date with you tomorrow, what time?" Tyler asked smiling. Beaming with joy.
"Um, 5:30?"
"Sounds good to me."
I grabbed his hand and intertwined our finders while we laid on the blanket by the water. Oh Tyler Joseph. This could only get more crazy and amazing from here.
I fell into a nap when Tyler started playing his ukulele, and singing a song.
"I'm on fire.
Hes the butcher with a smile.
Cut me farther. Than I've ever been."
Was all I heard before falling asleep.

Tongue Tied//Joshler☁️Where stories live. Discover now