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Dear Husband To Be,

Be my home.

Look at me, in my eyes.

Every morning, Every night.

I want to feel that warmth,security, comfort and gushy mushy thing one feels at home.

I imagine you and me, 10 years down the line.

When you'd come back from work, you'd say

"I'm home!"

I'd say,

"Me too."

Like every stupid hopeless girl, I have been dreaming of a home,which you and me will build inside a house.

The bricks of our milestones, concrete of our bond,Windows to let out the arguements, colors of our happy moments and smell of our love.

I need a whole castle as we grow old. A castle which will keep getting bigger with each year we stand by each others side.

I need a high, I want to be high on life which would include all the special people. The life as green and fresh as a garden.

The garden of blooming flowers nourished with sunshines of our life and water of our thoughts.

And a big splash pool of bliss :) ❤

WIFEY ❤❤🌟💗

DEAR HUSBAND TO BE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now