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Dear Husband To Be,

Ever heard of connections?Or felt it?

Like when two individuals just behave psychic with each other.

They understand everything about what's going on in the mind of their mate,

They talk with expressions and get the internal jokes just like telepathy?

I want that with you.

Right now I am fed up of all those momentary- temporary kind of connections.

I want a connection that sets me on fire at the same time calms me down.

Its all about the hurt and laugh,
Smiling facades and free flow of tears, its just an eye contact that is needed.
The mask we put on for the world falls into the pit one feels in the belly,when they are with the ONE.

No more lukewarm connections, I want a connection that sets my soul on fire and keeps it blazing in different beautiful ways.

( today I feel lonely, amidst of a ton around.  Come here I miss you)



DEAR HUSBAND TO BE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now