Chapter 10:Jin vs Veigas

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Authors note: Hey guys,Zero here hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for the support,continue to vote and comment, I love reading them- Zero

When we both charged as we drew closer,Veigas disappeared and reappeared behind me and kicked me in my back.
"Come on Jin you gotta be quicker that, use that new power of yours." Veigas said.
I gritted my teeth and slashed my axe at him but he dodged and caught the axe blade.
"The axe is a very slow weapon and can be easily seen where its gonna strike, you have to use your upper body strength and flow with it and make it quicker and strike hard." Veigas continued

I paused and looked at him "Wait,wait are you teaching me while we are fighting?" I asked.
Veigas whistled and slashed his sword aiming for my neck but I saw through it and I stopped it with the handle of my axe.
"You see when you weapon is locked like this, take advantage of this situation and do something like this!" He shouted. Veigas eyes glowed red and his empty hand sparked with a blue glowing energy and he clenched his fist and punched me in the gut. The sparkling energy spread through out my body and burned my insides having the same sensation as his knife when he stabbed me. I endured the pain but I was growing more angry, didn't Maricio said something about turning anger into a weapon. Now that I think about it the longer I'm in this form the more anger I feel surging through me. I gripped my axe with both hands and jumped into the air and slashed at him. He didn't expect that and collected a heavy blow to the shoulder. He grinned and stabbed at my eye but I caught it and used the weight of my axe and slammed my elbow into his gut. I then pressed my axe on him.

"Looks like this is my win." I smirked.

"The battle is not over till one of us is knocked out till then, good luck." Veigas said as his body evaporated into purple smoke and he disappeared. 
Now Jin let me show you what true power is. he continued.
I heard his voice but I couldn't see him nor sense his presence, where could he be?

The sky began to darken and storm clouds began forming over me and I soon heard lightning crackling ferociously in the sky. I then heard Veigas chanting and I looked up and there was Veigas flying in sky, red lightning sparkling in each hand.

I gulped "Look Veigas,lets just talk about this okay you win, I definitely cannot beat you, you win okay." I said nervously while slowly backing away.

Veigas laughed "No,no,no there is no giving up I need to teach you respect and what you call real power. Veigas said as the storm clouds grew bigger and bigger with red lightning sparking out of it. Veigas shouted "Red Lightning Onslaught" and lightning began striking down very very slowly, I realized time slowed down all around me and Maricio appeared next to me
"Jin listen if you take that directly, your heart is gonna stop and your gonna die and probably get turned into dust and we don't want that happening don't we so time to teach you what we can do together. Maricio said
"Now put your hands on the ground and communicate and ask the earth to protect you, the earth is yours to control and so use its power, I'm sure you heard it speaking to you earlier" Maricio said.
I nodded "Yes I heard it, it was calling me, I understand what I need to do,thanks Maricio" I said as I placed my hands on the ground and concentrated. Come on earth, you wanna help me cause right now I need it so please protect me. Time returned to normal and Maricio disappeared  and just before the lightning came in close contact, my hands glowed green and a multi layered earth dome formed around me and the lightning came down upon it but It didn't even budge and a few sparks came through and shocked me. The earth dome opened up when the lightning stopped and I stood up and gripped my axe tight. Veigas came down slowly and armed his weapon placing it against his chest breathing in and out hinting me to come at him.

I think I'm getting the hang of this, I charged at him axe in my hand and as I was running, an earth armor started to form around me and came onto my body and covered me entirely except for my horn and my eyes. I couldn't help but shout out " The Bull's Charge" seems I learned a new move. My axe glowed with green energy and as I drew closer, Veigas still breathing and closed his eyes. I came in contact with Veigas and slashed my axe aiming to chop his head. Veigas dodged and simply walked past me and sheathed his sword. As soon as he sheathed his sword, my armor shattered into pieces and there was a small stab wound on the right side of my chest, I dropped to my knees completely shocked. How strong could this guy be, can I ever become as strong as him.

"You did well Jin but your still far away, I was although a little close to use my real power but compared to the last time when you saved me you definitely got stronger,so good job on that." Veigas said.

My Zodiac form disappeared and I returned to normal, "So what your telling me is that you weren't even using all your power" I said with my head down.

"If I did, you would have died since the fight began, sorry to say but currently most of power is sealed thanks to the cultist guy that you beat the crap out of." Veigas explained.

I punched the ground in anger, I will get stronger, I just need to be patient. Veigas came over to me and rested his on my back." Don't worry, I can tell what your thinking,  you will get stronger you got me as your master but tell me Jin, how can you fight so well, its like your a natural and from what you said before you had no training whatsoever." Veigas asked curiously.

"Its this power Mystic it like puts things into my head, I cant really explain much but it simply helps me fight better." I said.

"That's a useful power you got there, now why don't you start to get ready and go look for the witch I told you about, take some time to clear your head and get stronger" Veigas handed me a couple of rations and a few gold coins.
I summoned my cloak and gloves and placed the items within the space in my cloak.
"That should keep you from starving for a good while and buy some things, now that your my student, I gotta take care of you." Veigas slapped me on the back.

"Alright, thank you , I will return."I said as I opened up the map he gave me and followed the directions.

"Make sure and come back alive,okay" Veigas said while heading into his house.

I waved and headed off into the forest of dreams according to the map.

*A few hours later*

 While going through the forest I encountered nothing but endless trees and it was starting to get dark, maybe I should rest. I climbed a tall tree to see if I could see anything further up ahead and there was an plain up ahead and it looks like there is a battle going on over there but I cant seem to make it whats going on exactly. I pulled up my hood and slowly got close to where the battle was happening and there was a guy in silver armor with gold lining and a sword with light energy over it and there was another guy behind him wearing a blue robe and had a staff in his hand. I then saw they were fighting a monster, It looked like a Minotaur. Should I go help them, they might attack me. Maricio appeared next to me.

"Dude,don't help them, there fighting a Minotaur,that offensive to me, I'm a bull,Jin. Maricio said

"Ah shush, they could die, I'm gonna help them" I said while cracking my knuckles and activating Mystic:Mind of Wu.Maricio pouted and disappeared. I jumped out to join them and said "You guys look like you need some help."

"They both nodded and we soon after defeated the Minotaur together.
I breathed heavily "That was a good fight."
The guy in armor removed his helmet and revealed his face and said "thank you so much for you help, care to join us?" He asked

I took a closer look at him and realized it was Luke and the guy in the robes was Jake. I pulled down the hood and said "Luke its me, wow I wouldn't imagine meeting you here."

Luke looked surprised but surprised in a good way "Jin, wow its you,your alive man."

I laughed "Yeah thanks to you when you saved my butt backed there when Baden was gonna probably execute me but why did you save me, don't you think I killed the king too?" I asked

Luke laughed but then took a grim expression on his face. "I was there as well when the king died, Baden asked me to check up on you and when I came to get you, I saw the king got murdered by someone in full black. I tried to convince Baden that you weren't the killer but he didn't believe me but I did convince the others and they seemed to believe me." Luke explained

"Thanks a lot Luke, I really appreciate that but I have a terrible feeling Baden set me up before he placed me in prison I saw him grinning. He has a plan I'm sure of it." I said

"Where are the girls?" I asked.

"They went out on a quest by Baden and so are we." Luke said as he pointed at Jake.

"We are suppose to go to a place called dark caverns and defeat the witch who lives there." Jake said.

"Is that so, because I was doing the same exact thing so lets do it together then.  I said.
Isn't that convenient.

"I don't see why not, come on lets go and do some witch hunting." Luke said while smiling.
I laughed "Dude that's so cheesy."

Luke and Jake laughed as well "Well whatever,lets go guys." Luke said.


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