Chapter 9: Untapped Power

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Authors note:I'm not dead :) .Hey everyone sorry for the delay, some of you may know what I have been doing but for those that don't know, I was in exams (still am actually) and my writing time got delayed. I love writing this book and I love more that you all wanna read this and enjoy it. It really encourages me and keeps me going, enough of my rambling,ENJOY THIS CHAPTER.

Oracle kept on smiling and looking at me, I looked back at her and the only thing I felt inside me was fear,down to my entire existence. Why am I always so scared? Are the worlds I live in this ,I cant think like that. I must grow stronger and find out why I really was brought to this world. 

I summed up some courage and said slowly "Oracle...... how and why are you in here?

Oracle continued smiling "I'm only looking out for you Jin, I care about you."

"Jin don't listen to her, shes a manipulative witch and only wants to use you,whoever that woman is,its not the oracle I knew a thousand years back." Maricio said.

Oracle grinned at Maricio and said "Maricio can you shut the hell up and let me talk to Jin, please?

*A moment of silence*

"Now that I can finally talk, Jin listen, I will tell you everything in the future, its just right now you must go stronger and realize your own purpose,follow your own path and be the best you that you can be."She said as she came close and patted my head.

"Thanks Oracle" I couldn't help but smile.

Oracle went up to Maricio "And you Maricio, don't tell Jin anything about me or past, I wanna be the one to tell him and sorry I have been gone for all these years." Oracle said.

Maricio folded his arms and turned his head "Yeah whatever. "

Oracle went up to his ears and whispered something in his hear, I didn't hear quite right but as soon as Oracle finished Maricio turned pale as chalk and nodded nervously."

Oracle waved at me and disappeared.I then turned to Maricio
"So......... can you teach me about my power?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got no choice now that we formed a contract, I'm only saying this once and I'm not gonna tell you everything." Maricio sighed.
I nodded

"Alright listen up, your power Mystic utilizes the power of the stars,meteors and even including space itself (etc,etc) but your to weak right now,you have alot of potential however and already unlocked secret function of your power and that's where I come in. I'm sure you know about the 12 Zodiac. You are able to use their power,combining your strengths to form a powerful weapon and a bond.Do you understand everything so far?" He asked

"Yes, this is so cool, this seems to be to amazing to be real, please tell me I'm dreaming and wait if I use the Zodiac when do I meet the first one?! I asked excitingly.

Maricio summoned a huge axe with a Jet black handle and a silver axe blade and rested it on his "You already did, Nice to meet you, I'm known as Taurus." he said while grinning.

All I did was just stared in awe and my jaw just wide open.

Maricio rested down his axe " HA HA, look at your face dude but yes I am Maricio aka Taurus "The bull". Now before you bow to my awesomeness , you must know that somehow you already activated my power but its in a dormant state and its locked in that state till we form a bond you activate it. You first unlocked it when you were in prison that's when you awakened me and I saw everything. Notice that piece of your hair is white, on my guess its probably a sign that my power is there and you used a piece of my power when Veigas chained you and you broke out." Maricio explained.

"So wait that sudden burst of rage and that immense strength was you helping me?" I asked.

"Well it was more one sided but I guess I did help you." Maricio smirked.
Maricio muttered a few words under his breath and on the back of his hand formed the zodiac sign of Taurus. 
"Now Jin,like I said before you have a lot of potential to become stronger and you have earned my respect so I will lend you my strength but the others may not be so easy as to lend their power to you as I did, so good luck." Maricio continued.

"So how do I earn their respect and trust?" I asked.

"That is up to you Jin, like Oracle said follow your own path." He said

"Yes, I will." I said firmly.

"Now, I'm gonna continue the contract and let my power enter you, this may sting a bit alright. Just letting you know." Maricio said.

I nodded and Maricio pressed his fist against my chest and his fist glowed and then it                     De-materialized and entered inside my body, I soon after felt his hand materializing and then he grabbed my heart,and continued to mutter more words and my entire body started glowing. I could feel surges of energy flowing through my body but at the same time my heart felt like it was on fire, like it was gonna explode any minute.
I screamed out in pain "calm down Jin I'm gonna finish any second now,just keep strong." Maricio said.

I groaned in reply and a few moments past and Maricio pulled back out his hand and the pain went away immediately, I dropped to my knees and coughed a lot

I gathered my breath and said "Please tell me, we are not gonna do that again,ever?"

"Sorry to say but you got to that 11 more times with the others and when you unlock our true potential." Maricio explained

I breathed heavily through each word "you........ guys........suck".

Maricio laughed "Alright take it easy, you don't wanna hurt yourself."

"Yeah yeah, I get it." I stood up slowly and did a few breathing exercises to calm myself.

"Okay, you can use my power anytime you want now but be careful using one zodiac too frequently can mess with your mental state and remember you can make this power stronger by deepening our bonds and becoming stronger yourself mentally and physically. now good luck." Maricio said. He then snapped his fingers and I was back where was at the tree. I checked my skills window and a new skill appeared called Zodiac Form:Taurus. Alright time to try this out, apparently it comes with a chant.

I raised my left hand in the air and shouted " I call upon the power of Zodiac, give me the strength of Taurus!"

few seconds later*
nothing happened

I felt an ominous feeling and I slowly turned behind me and I saw Veigas looking at me as if I was insane.

"Uhhhhh, I was just..........stretching." I said and whistled after.

He blinked several times "Umm yeah you do that, I'm just gonna stay over there." Veigas said while walking a few meters away with a book in his hand."

Oh my gosh that was so awkward, why the hell didn't my power activate. Soon after an illusion of Maricio appeared before me.

"Sorry about that I didn't expect you to use the power so soon, now fist bump me."  He said

"I hope you don't do this when my life is in danger." I said

"Yeah Yeah, now fist bump me." He said while extending his arm towards me.

I raised an eyebrow and fist bumped him slowly. The illusion of Maricio disappeared and energy began flowing into me and I started to feel my body changing. Bull horns grew from my head, my eyes glowed white, parts of my hair turned white,my body and muscles grew by a bit and a Maricio's axe appeared in my hand. Wow, I examined myself, I felt amazing so this is what it means to combine our strengths but I still feel I could do more. I ran around for a bit but I was soon starting to hear a voice coming from below me. I pressed my ears to the ground and I heard it clearer, Its the earth its speaking to me. I concentrated a little and a rock pillar appeared beside me. Seems like I can control the earth but it feels to exhausting, time to test out my new strength. I took the axe and smashed the pillar and it came crumbling down.

Soon after I heard some clapping behind me and Veigas was behind me with a long sword and sheath in his hand.

"That's an impressive power that you got there,so that's what you were doing, care to test it out?" Veigas asked.

"I would be honored to beat you down, I'm gonna show you that I really am strong." I grinned.

Veigas unsheathed his sword and went into a stance "I'm gonna make you eat those words and teach you some manners." He said.

We both charged at each other, weapon in our hands.

"Bring it on!" I exclaimed.

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