Chapter 6:Strange feelings

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Once again I awoke to darkness and oracle is standing beside me, smiling at me. I rubbed my head and let out a sigh.

"What happened to me, that fight felt so hazy and I didn't feel like in control of myself. " I said.

"Don't worry those are the after effects of using my power but you have a more greater pain for when you wake up, your brain will be under so much pressure,your body will feel like its in a spike trap and your eyes will feel like its being stabbed over and over again." she said.

I gulped and I was gonna ask her a follow-up question but I was to scared to know the answer.
"So oracle how is my condition then?" 

"Your right eye is damaged, your gonna have to wear a eye patch for quite sometime." She said.

"Why is using your blessing so dangerous, oracle!" I started to panic.

"Calm down my child your body and mind is not used to this kind of pressure, your true power  still has yet to be awoken." She said.

"...but I still could have died, why am I fighting oracle, this new world is amazing but why do I have to fight, I'm not strong enough to handle all of this. Just like my uncle says I'm weak and spineless, I cant do nothing and I am nothing." 

Oracle slowly walked up to me and embraced me, tears started to flow down my cheek. Is this what I needed in my life, I don't know what its like to have a mom but ...why does oracle feel like what a mom should be. I felt so warm under her embrace, I wanted to stay like this. All I ever wanted was just a peaceful life and a family. Why must I go through this suffering.

"Jin.... you are stronger than you think, you came to this world for a reason. I cannot explain right now but this world needs you and the others who were summoned here. Trust me, Jin don't fall into the darkness and depression." She said.

"Thank you for being there for me oracle." I sighed. Somewhere deep inside me, feels like oracle has been watching over me since I was born but I kept it to myself.

Oracle then let go of me, I wiped off my tears and she continued talking "Become stronger and show this world who Jin Vega is."

I smiled and nodded, Soon after oracle disappeared and I felt myself sleeping in a bed. I slowly opened up my eyes but only my left eye was open. I raised my hand and felt my other eye but it was covered in what feels like bandages. Seems like Oracles gift really is a blessing and a curs-my right eye began burning. This excruciating pain I could feel blood trickling down from my eye, I screamed out in pain. The pain felt like someone was digging inside my very eye and stabbing it. It wasn't ending but then suddenly a tall figure appeared above me and poured a blue liquid in my eye and the pain slowly started to fade. I started to calm down and the figure above me left the room. I then took a look around to see where I was exactly, It seemed like a small study. I tried getting up but I felt too weak I can only force myself to look around and move my arms a little.

Now that I think about it, why is there a bed in a study, that is strange. Luckily a book shelf was next to the bed so I reached over and grabbed a few books and started to read them. The books I picked out were all under the same author name "Stephanie Morgan". They were different genres to them; Action, romance, horror and tragedy based, I took a liking to them, I felt I could relate to it .While reading I felt an uneasiness in my heart, there was someone watching me, I could sense it but I'm still weak. There's nothing I can do right now, the presence I was feeling came closer and closer yet it felt familiar.

*Time Lapse*


They were now at the other side of the door, I was nervous and I had nothing I could use as a weapon. I couldn't even find my hidden weapon, so I picked up a book and got ready to attack and locked the door. Soon after the doorknob began shaking violently, then all of a sudden the door blasted wide open and there was smoke and the mysterious person was in the smoke. I threw the book and  attempted to tackled them into the ground but I missed terribly because of my bad eye. The smoke started to clear and I soon realized, that this was the same man that I saved.

"Is this how you treat someone who took care of your injuries and your damaged eye?" He asked softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I thought someone was out to kill me, I'm not sure why but I felt your presence and it felt full of blood lust but thank you." I said.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have already been dead but I should be the one saying thank you, you saved my life. I could have easily handled that guy but he sealed my abilities and thanks to you I got them back." He said. I nodded. "Now tell me boy who are you, I can sense a strange energy from you." 

I explained to him about how I was summoned to this world and I'm one of the heroes. He was pretty normal about it, I guess he didn't hear the news of the king dying so it looks like I'm safe for now. He got up from his seat and asked if I was hungry and I just simply nodded and he went into another room.

After a few minutes, he came back with two bowls of porridge and gave one to me. I said thanks and swallowed a bit out of it but that was a mistake, when it was in my mouth i felt as if hundreds of insects were crawling inside my throat. I sprawled onto the floor and felt myself unable to move, I was paralyzed and the man just pulled out a blade, pressed it against my neck and slowly asked
"Why did you kill the king?"

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