Chapter 5: Masked Man

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I was about to walk through the gate but a guard stopped me. He had a different symbol on his chest, which meant I'd been running all the way to another kingdom. I didn't even realize I was running that long. It must be this skill, Mystic: Mind of Wu, there's something very special and dangerous about this. If I don't calm my mind before I use it, it enhances my original physique and all but damages my body badly. If I do use it when I calm my mind its like a boost but not as strong. After realizing this, a window screen popped up and it read, You have unlocked a new skill, Mystic: Awakening. I closed down the window and the guard unsheathed his weapon.

"Halt, you are about to enter, the Avian Kingdom, do you have an ID card, traveler." He said.

It seems like he thinks I'm a suspicious person, hmm maybe I can lie about this.

"No, I-uh lost my ID card, I'm a peddler and my pack of horses got startled and ran away with my carriage." I said while taking off my hood.

He examined my face carefully and started to speak "That's a shame,  are you new around here and aren't you a little too young to be a peddler."

"Ah well, its a family business and so I decided to follow in it and make my family proud but as it seems, I have lost my carriage and goods."

"That's no problem at all we have a lot of guilds here, Adventure guilds, Blacksmith, Merchant and all sorts. This is the kingdom of opportunity, it seems you mean no harm, carry on then peddler."

I nodded and pulled up my hood,  I then entered into the city, there were many huge buildings and different races such as beast-men, humans and elves. I thought elves didn't associate themselves with humans because of there high class nature. They are probably some half elves in between them.

I was tired and felt the need to rest, I was running for quite a long time now. So I decided to head to a tavern, my body was in such pain from using my skill. As I was walking down the streets there was a tavern that stood out from all the others, I had that same attracting feeling, I got from the robe. I walked up closer and there was a big sign above it reading "The Old Man tavern". What a strange name but whatever as I walk into the tavern, making my way passed various people to get to the bar which I then rests my forearms on and let out a sigh. I then waited for the bartender to get to me. I looked around and it seemed like there were many adventures and knights here. As I was waiting, one of the guests approached me, he had on a dark green robe and a mask on and took a seat.

He pulled out a picture of a little girl and put it on the bar.

"Your new around here aren't you, have you seen this girl before." He said.

"No, I'm sorry, I haven't. If I do see her I will let you know if I see you again."

He placed the picture back into his sleeve and nodded. The waitress then came by and asked us what we wanted and handed us a menu but when I looked onto the menu, it was a weird language, I couldn't make out anything.
The masked man looked over at me and started to laugh a little.

"You can't read?" He said.

"Sadly, no." I said.

"Sigh, you remind me of myself back in the day, some good adventures back then, be safe on your journey kid ." He said

"Thank you,sir". I muttered

"Now if you will excuse me, I have a matter to attend to." He said while getting up.

"Oh well then see you later." I said as he stood up and walked outside the tavern and went out into the streets. I then turned back on the bar table and the picture of the little girl the man showed me was there. It must have fell out when he stood up. I grabbed the picture and placed it inside my pocket and I then decided to go outside and look for the masked man, I looked around and asked some other people that were around but found out nothing till a saw through the corner of my eye I saw a green cloaked person passing through an alleyway and I immediately followed it but I felt a little unsure but I ignore it and called out to him shouting
"Sir!" Repeatedly but when we turned to the alley it was a leading to a dead end, there was another green cloaked person chained up on the wall and a mask on the floor but then I realized that was the same masked man from the bar. Why is he chained up and who is the other guy, When I turned to the other guy his robe changed color to a white with green and yellow lining and then I remembered Vanessa warnings to stay away from them, those who are dressed like that are cultists and will kill me if they know I'm a hero. I wanted to run away but I couldn't leave this guy behind, I'm a hero now. I pulled off my hood and my gloves came on automatically thanks to Vanessa's blood binding. I charged at the cultist but he didn't move and just muttered a word under his breath and I felt an immense pressure slamming me down into the ground.

I tried getting up but it just kept me down and just hurt like hell. I activated Mystic:Mind of Wu and the pressure on my body felt like nothing at all. As I got up, my eyes started to hurt like if they wanted to burst and there was a strong burning sensation that made me want to dig them out and all of a sudden I felt as tho my eyes began to glow. It felt strange and I wasn't sure what I was to do about this pain but one thing is for certain I have to fight. An image popped in my head. The cultist casted a spell and fireballs came at me targeting all my limbs and face and I got knocked back against the wall the image faded. Why did I see that all of a sudden and then the same image I saw in my head started happening, the cultist activated his magic and fireballs targeted me, I dodged and tackled him into the ground and punched him. More images popped in my head of the cultist next move. It seems, this must be oracles blessing. With this I could win, the cultist pulled out a small blade from under his sleeve but I anticipated it and grabbed it,and pressed it against his neck. I decided to then question him.

"Why did you attack this man?" I yelled.

"...Screw you." He said with a thick accent and spat on my face.

Ugh this bastard, I wiped it off and stabbed him near his heart,missing on purpose. He coughed up blood.

"Look! I just want some answers, that's all." I said angrily.

The cultist then looked up into the sky and smiled. "Ah, my dark lord and savior, I am coming to meet you at last." he whispered. An image popped in my head of the cultist exploding along with me, oh no must be self destruction spell. I rushed as fast I could over to the man and smashed his chains and grabbed him and his mask and ran out of the alleyway, as I bent the  corner I heard the cultists laughing manically followed by an explosion, I barely escaped in time and I flew back, hit onto a wall and knocked out cold.

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