Adrien blankly stared at you from his window, but inside, he can't help but feel guilty at what he has just done. You looked up and painfully smiled at him, mouthing, "I know you need someone." The action honestly shocked him, but he shook it off once the limo took off.

You were bringing down the walls of his grief and depression, slowly, one-by-one. By the time he notices, it would be too late to stop it.

▪ ▪ ▪

You sighed, your eyes felt tired and your cheeks felt hot and bulged out. Once you've arrived home, you were sure that someone or something was watching you.

You looked around and caught glimpse of a familiar dark blue hair. Your eyes widened and looked around once again, checking if anybody was around.

"Marinette! What are you doing here?!" You whisper-yelled at the girl. The girl stepped out, a puzzled look on her face. "Should I be concerned that this is pretty normal for you? Or wonder why could see me?" Marinette states confusingly.

"Well, it is kinda normal for me. God usually assigns people who are still able to interact in the outside world. Those people help troubled souls, spirits, entities, whichever." You explained, your hands making gestures here and there.

"But first, we need to get into my house. My neighbors would probably think that I'm talking to the trash bins again!" You quickly stated, your dominant hand gestures her to follow you inside.

Marinette obliges, "'Again?'" She adds, unamused. You noticed her tone and sighed, nodding. She laughs at you, "Haha! They must think you're crazy!"

"I swear, Marinette. I wish I can assign you to someone else. But, sadly, that can't happen. I'm your only hope! If you get under my skin, I'll mark you as a wanderer!" You snapped, your bloodshot eyes glaring through Marinette.

"Oh, I'm so scared. Your eyes are tired from crying, huh? Keep dreaming, honey. He will never be yours." Marinette narrowed her eyes at you, before laughing once again.

"Doesn't your butt get jealous from the amount of s*** coming from your mouth? Seriously." You scoffed, rolling your eyes as Marinette's face turned beet red in anger, raising her hand to slap you.

As her hand neared your face, it only went through. "Have you forgotten already? You're a spirit, you cannot interact with anything from this world." You triumphantly smirked at her, making her blood boil more.

"So, are you going to put your anger aside and let me help you?"


Hey guys! Harley here!

I wrote today's chapter and I hope you liked it! I know, I know. "Marinette is too OOC." Well, it's how the story goes... So... Yeah! See ya next chappie! ^°^

Apparently, En-chan is going to be gone for a while and I'll be the one filling in for her. She said she would be gone for maybe a month, because of school and her life.

Now, if I don't get to update, I might have been busy or away at that moment. I hope you guys understand.

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