Fantasy (Mary Read)

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Mary's face was mere inches from mine and I watched her chest rise and fall as she slept peacefully. I wondered for the millionth time what it would feel like to kiss those lips, tracing the scar that ran along her eye. It was a foolish thought. Nothing would ever happen between us.
But as I lay there I began to fantasize. We were, after all, in the same bed. Maybe, just maybe, she would return my feelings. I pondered this for awhile until I noticed Mary's breathing change and I glanced in her direction.

"What ye thinkin' 'bout lass?" She mumbled sleepily.


"The stars." Lying of course, I sat up straight but was immediately pulled back down. Mary raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed.

"I was thinking" I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

Her eyes got bigger and she let out a laugh.

Great, now she's laughing at me.

"Why would ye think of me when there are plenty of other people in the world that deserve yer attention more?"

I turned my head to the side, staring directly into her eyes.

"I don't want any of them."

"And ye want me?"

I studied her face yet again before sliding my hand to her cheek. "Aye."

A second was all it took for Mary's lips to be on mine. I pulled her closer to me and felt her hands on my waist, tugging to close whatever distance remained. When we finally broke our lips apart; our hands still clung to the other's body, desperate not to let go.

"Why didn't ye say anything sooner?" Mary asked, puzzled.

I smiled. "I was scared. But I'm glad I didn't keep it from you forever."

I snuggled in closer to her, my nose pressed firmly against her neck.

"I love you, Mary."

"I love you too."

Here it is folks!! So it's not too great but my first Mary Read one shot is finished. I hope you enjoyed and please feel free to leave any requests you have for Mary/James on any of the chapters. I'll do pretty much anything besides smut; fully male James x reader, James/Mary x reader, guy x female/male Mary, female x male/female Mart, etc. please just leave a description of what you want the chapter to contain and with what version of Mary/James. Thank you for reading :)

~Cassy out~

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