Chapter 32: I Dont Want To Say I Told You So, Just Kidding, I Told You So!

Start from the beginning

I stand there glaring at the two of them fighting the enormous urge I have to cry and scream at him.

"Maybe i'm just tired of forgiving you for every stupid mistake you make," I say. "When you apologize it means you won't don't it again, but with you apologizing means nothing because you do it again and again. So I don't want an apology especially when you don't mean it. "

With that I said I pour the milk in my cereal, grab a spoon along with my bowl, and walk out the kitchen.


"I know you said you didn't want me to come over for thanksgiving mom,"I say into the phone "but I would really like to see you. Besides I think it's time we talk. I-"


Damn, stupid machine cut me off. 

"You okay?" a voice asks and I look down towards the driveway spotting Josh.

"Third message i've left so far," I tell him. "I keep telling myself that she's not getting them or she deleted the last one on accident."

"I use to tell myself that my parents didn't know my address," he says, shoving his hands in his pockets. "that maybe if I sent them a postcard or something they'd come visit, but we lie to ourselves."

"Want to sit next to me?" I ask before raising my bowl of soggy cereal. "I have chocolate flavored cereal. It's a bit soggy, but we can make it work."

"I really need to get going," he says. "I have a science fair thing."

"Right," I run hand through my hair and he nods before getting in his truck and driving off.

I have chocolate flavored cereal. Really Elliana?

You couldn't have thought of anything else.

"Shorty,"I hear Alex yell.

"I'm out here," I yell and he sticks his head out the window before climbing out and sitting next to me.

"Oh," he grins "you have chocolate flavored cereal and it's soggy. Can I have some?"

"Are you mocking me?" I glare at him and he laughs.

"Josh hates chocolate and soggy cereal," Alex says and I frown.

"I don't know a single thing about him," I say.

"Yet you somehow like the guy," he chuckles.

"What is wrong with me?" I groan leaning my head his shoulder. "I totally let him leave and now I want him back."

"You have me," he grab the bowl of cereal and shoves a spoonful in his mouth.

"I know I do," I smile. "But I also want Josh."

"Then get him back," Alex says. "You just need to make a perfect get back together with my ex boyfriend plan."

"You're right," I grin. "I need to make a plan and you're going to help me.

"Count me in," he continues eating the cereal.

"How are you?" I ask. "With Taylor not talking to you and all."

"She'll come around," he says a slight frown on his face. "That red head can be one stubborn thing, but she can also be understanding and I know she'll come to her senses. "

"What if she already did?" A voice asks and we both look down to see Taylor with a black swollen eye and tears running down her face.

A/n: I know this chapter is short, but it's only a filler and the next few are going to be filled with pranks and lots of drammaaa. So be prepared!

I'm also very sad and happy to announce that there are approximately  ten chapters left. I know, it sucks, but   I have an amazing proposal to make to to you all.

What do you think about a spin-off? If the answer is yes, what should it be about?

If the answer is no, feel free to share your reasons as to why. (Don't worry I will not be offended)

Thank you so much to Merda for the book banner!! I'm always accepting book covers and I love seeing all your different versions!

Ill update soon...

QOTC: What do you think happened to Taylor?

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Love, Pam

May 13, 2017.

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