- 09

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— 09

[ 이혜리 lee hye ri ]

Apparently Kim Bokjoo and Choi Myungsoo are really dating as I heard from my sources. But the thing is, they're having it "rough" these days, not like this is any of my business. I am pretty curious though, I have so admit.

Yesterday, when Myungsoo and Joohyuk didn't show up in the morning, they didn't even show up in the afternoon. I arrived home greeted by the two of them sleeping soundly in the exact same position I saw them earlier before I left.

[ flashback to yesterday ]

How can two people sleep for this long? How is that possible? How did neither of them move even a bit? Are these people even human? Questions swirl around my mind, but I choose not to even bother asking them because first, they're asleep and second, how will their answers benefit me, anyway?

I proceed to the kitchen to make a simple meal for dinner so I can have something in my stomach before I start studying.

After my first few bites, I hear a thud coming from the living room. In a second, I also hear Joo Hyuk shout something in between the line of "What the heck did you just do, you stupid imbecile?"

I rush quickly to where the noise originated from and I'm honestly not even 100% shocked to see Myungsoo on the floor, but not in the position I last saw him. He appears to have fallen after standing up. (Only God knows how that's possible when the carpeted floor is not even a bit slippery.)

"Yah! What do you think you're doing here in my house making a fool out of yourself at this hour?" I angrily scold Myungsoo. Then I say to both Joohyuk and him, "Get out already. You both have been here for 24 hours already, which is such a long extension to how long you both should've stayed."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Myungsoo says as he gets up in a manner like his butt has a splinter or something.

"We'll be leaving now, thanks," Joohyuk says and waves goodbye. He drags Myung Soo along with him, thank God.

[ end of flashaback ]

I leave the indoor pool dome right after begging Coach Choi to allow me to be absent to make my science project. Myungsoo waits for me by the entrance and we walk together to my house.

"So, you and Kim Bokjoo are a thing?" I ask. It's a little personal, I know. But I'm curious.

"Well, yeah. We're dating, but we're kinda on and off as of the moment."

"So why did you invite her over to my house with Joohyuk?"

"I was trying to get her back, you know? I couldn't think of anything else. I know I'm lame. I figured it would be alright since you're head over heels for the Nam Joohyuk guy, who's her classmate."

"Where's the logic in that?"

"I don't know. But it actually worked. She's texting me again. How 'bout you and that Nam Joohyuk guy?"

"I don't know."

We walk in silence after that. I don't know what to say anymore. What is there to say anyway?

We arrive right outside my house shortly later. I warn him that my parents are home this time, so we have to keep everything low-key unlike last time.

"I'm home!" I say as soon as I step foot in my house and my mom replies with a "welcome home". I walk to the guest room and guide Myungsoo to follow me. It's more practical to do it there than the basement. (I should have realized that the last time, but even if I did, we probably would not have ended up doing the project.)

"Okay, we have to finish this. I'm not sleeping until we do," I say in the most demanding tone I can possibly do, hoping to be at least a little intimidating to someone who's inches taller than me.

"Whatever," Myungsoo replies with rolling eyes. He's so annoying.

We go on a good start, since I planned everything out beforehand.

But then, to add to my misfortune and seemingly never-ending bad luck, we run out of glue.

"Okay, how can you forget to bring extra glue? You had one job," I angrily scold Myungsoo out of my frustration.

"I brought glue like you told me too. I didn't think we'd be needing an extra one because you don't know how to make the most out of your resources."

"Are you putting the blame on me now?"

"And plus, who doesn't have at least one glue in their house? Aren't you some sort of perfect goody two shoes?"

"First of all, I am not perfect. And being a goody two shoes doesn't mean having glue!"

"Whatever," Myungsoo replies with his signature one word answer.

This isn't going to work out.


20 june 2017

13 aug 2017


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