whoops, this story is now discontinued

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I probably should've made this official like two years ago, but better late than never I guess.

Those who are still active (for some reason), and also follow me for my story (for an even stranger reason, if not for my charming personality *sarcasm*), as you could possibly tell, I backed myself into a corner with the way I directed the plot line of "Chaos Begins" two-three years ago thinking, "this'll be unique and so outta the regular chaos story templates!" To be honest, I still think it's pretty unique, but I am actually not creative enough to steer the story back to a path where I can possibly keep going and keep it interesting yet logical. So, if I accidently got your hopes up because you thought this was going to be a new update, I'm extremely sorry!

I've done this to you like three times already so you actually should be, disappointingly, used to this by now.

But even though the fandom may be separated and past its prime, I'm still planning out a project of a story. I'm still questioning whether or not I should post a sort of quick, short story of what the actual story is going to be like.

By the way, I got your hopes up again, I'm sorry. It has nothing to do with Percy Jackson. I, honest to god, wish I could do a Percy/avengers crossover but I feel like I'll just butcher it or poke it with a stick, aggregate it, and have a stare-down with it, not doing anything else.

I have an issue of doing that a lot.

So, again, those who were adamantly waiting for an update, I'm truly sorry for my incompetence, and I hope you have a great day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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