I: Painful Awakenings

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     Percy laid in the darkness of his mind. He didn't know how long he's been there, staring into the darkness. But he knew it felt like forever. There were tiny whispers in his ear, like someone was speaking to him, telling him all sorts of things, but it was like they were in multiple different languages. He decided to put them to the back of his mind. He couldn't move any part of his own body. This scared him the first few hours but now that was of no care to him. This allowed himself to float around in the nothingness, the blackness his only sight, the silence his only sound. Suddenly, a white flash engulfed his vision and without the ability to blink he only took it head on, becoming temporarily blinded. When it cleared away he saw a large globe of white in front of him. Then one smaller variation seemed to be trying to pull itself out of it. With quick succession one orb became two, then four, and after a small moment, bright lights littered the blackness, circling the large mass in the center while at the same time moving away from it. It only took him a second to figure it out. This, as he realized, was the creation of the Universe.

He was amazed at the beauty of it all as it all flashed before his eyes quickly yet also in slow motion. He saw as planets came to be. Some spheres multicolored, housing luscious life, others a desolate rock. He found that he could finally control his body and fly in space. He travelled at the speed of light, scouring the ever-expanding universe. Somehow, he knew the names for all of the planets and stars. There was a planet covered in green. It was not unlike Earth, but instead of the dark blue of the oceans covering the world, it was filled with multi-colored forestation. Sections of the world was covered in green, some in purple, another was in light blue, and some of it was white. There was one distinction about this planet. There was a large tree that Percy could see all the way from space. This one planet was called Eldraga. There was also another planet, one made completely out of molten rock and lava. Al' Te Roth. There was one made of completely water, only tiny patches of green laid on it's surface. This one was dubbed Velnia. Every planet, moon, and star each had their own names and their own special traits, and to Percy, it was truly spectacular. Suddenly, he realized the absence of the whispers in his mind, and he felt a powerful aura coming from the center of it all, where it all began. As he looked at it, he saw a being as beautiful as the night sky appear from inside the center, its eyes closed. It was a humanoid being with faint traces of four arms that seemed to exist, yet also not exist. Little stars moved and flowed on its darkness-filled, white-outlined body. Comets trailed down its arms and a large supernova seemed to be continuously expanding into itself for eternity in the center core of its chest.

"Dear Demigod," Percy's eyes widened as he heard its voice inside his mind. He knew that it was attempting to whisper silently to him, but to Percy it was as loud as the streets of Manhattan. "You have placed my grandchild, Kronos, into Tartarus using his own host against him." Percy cringed a little as he was reminded of what happened during the Second Titan war. "You have placed my daughter back to sleep." Every word he said had an affect on Percy. With each word, Percy was given a bit of random knowledge. He was also a bit wary now, seeing as how this person was most likely talking about Old Dirt Face, but if she was its daughter then that would make him...

Percy's eyes widened in shock as he realized that this must make him some really old dude.

He heard a slight chuckling in his mind before he heard it's voice again.
"Indeed, young one," it said. "I am a very 'old dude.'" It spanned its arms wide to gesture at the whole universe. "I am before Ananke or Chronos. I am before fate and time, ruler of all that exists and that which doesn't exist. I am the Primordial of creation." It did a small, little bow at Percy, making sure to pause for dramatic effect. "I am Khaos and I shall be waiting for you."

Percy Jackson: Chaos Begins *DISCONTINUED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz