II: Some New Insight

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We have been waiting for your arrival.


"You came sooner than I expected."

Percy looked around until he saw Apollo laying against a rock, ukulele in hand with his fingers stopped mid strum. "I was expecting you and Annabeth to go off and do the tour first, making lil' ol' me having to sadly play this ukulele by myself." He struck a small, mockingly depressing chord. With a small pause, the string instrument disappeared in a golden light and Apollo brushed himself off.

"Well, I'm here now," Percy answered. "How should I start?" Apollo contemplated and looked around. Finally, he looked at the expectant Percy standing there and with a wide smile, he bluntly said, "I don't know!"

"Um, what?"

"I don't know how your powers work now, and the only times I've ever seen you fight previously was with your sword while slapping a few people around with tendrils of water—so let me ask this." He leaned forwards and closer to Percy's face than what Percy would like. "What. Can. You. Do?"

Percy was a bit freaked out. The close proximity of the sun god was making him sweat before that too evaporated. "I'm sorry," Percy said meekly, "but you're a bit close." He said, gesturing for Apollo to give him some space. With that small gesture, Apollo did give him some space. Lots of it. His body was flung through the trees and hit a tree full force, making a large Apollo-sized indentation. Percy's eyes widened. "Di Immortales, Did I do that?" He rushed towards the body of the sun god and tried to see if he was unconscious. Apollo coughed aloud before he groaned.

"Controlling Ichor. That's deadly. Never do that again." Apollo pulled himself up and put a hand towards his back. The hand glowed green as he started to heal himself. "Ahhh... Out of all of my years alive as an immortal, and a mortal, I have never met someone strong enough to control the blood of the gods except for he who governed over the blood itself." Percy's face imitated one of fear at this newfound power, one he knew that could easily get out of control. Apollo looked at him in seriousness even Percy didn't know he had. "Percy it is absolutely essential that you control this power as soon as possible. No one—not even Zeus—is allowed to know about this, or else the first place you're going is back down." Percy was smart enough to know that he was talking about Tartarus. Apollo rubbed his temples and sighed, the smile vanished from his face. "Not even five minutes in and we're finding something that could destroy the foundation of Olympus." He muttered to himself. He gestured for Percy to go on and do something else. "Try creating a ball of water from the air around us." He said, "if you're powerful enough to control Ichor, then I can only assume you have the potential to control any source of water, however thin it may be." Percy nodded and he closed his eyes, feeling his surroundings. He put out his hands and suddenly, instead of creating a ball of water, the blackness turned to a shade of dark blue.

"Woah..." He looked around and could see different shades of blue and red. He looked around and then saw a bright red outline. He assumed this was Apollo.

"What? What's happening?" Apollo asked, concerned.

"Thermal Vision." Percy simply said in awe. He opened his eyes and his vision returned to normal.

"That's flaming and all," Apollo started, "but I said to make a ball of water from thin air, not this different variation of what you can see shit."

"Oh, like this?" Percy didn't know why, but he knew that he could do that by just clicking his fingers and imagining a ball of water. Suddenly, he didn't make only one, but at least 15 different balls scattered throughout. Apollo whistled in admiration.

"Sweet. Now try shaping them," Apollo instructed. Percy waved his hands around and the balls of water suddenly became out of his control, each ball turning into a circle of ice spikes and flying out in all directions. Apollo quickly radiated a bit more heat than usual around him and Percy, making it so that the spikes evaporated before coming anywhere near them. "Learn to control that too."  Apollo stated, his eyes wide in shock. Percy nodded, unable to speak. Apollo quickly collected himself and put on a small smile on his face. "Don't worry about it, water dude," he said, patting Percy's shoulders. "You just woke up finding yourself to having these new uncontrollable powers. It's usual that you won't get it on your first try. Calm down and try again later because I just thought of a person who could help you control these abilities of yours."

"Who? Poseidon?" Apollo only smiled.

"No, that'll take too much explaining. I have someone better," He exclaimed. Percy raised an eyebrow. "We're gonna meet a titaness." Said Apollo, a large grin taking up fifty percent of his face. "The titaness of memory."

Percy Jackson: Chaos Begins *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now