Absolute Intelligence

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The power to possess a limitless level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency that can surpass anything in existence. Sub-power of Absolute Condition. The highest form of Enhanced Intelligence.

Also Called Endless/Infinite/Limitless/Perfect/Supreme/Ultimate/Unlimited Intelligence Capabilities

The users' intellectual faculties (memory, calculation, processing, learning, intuition, creativity, instinct, perception, concentration, competency, etc.) transcend virtually all other sentient beings in the universe. All aspects of their intelligence are infinite but inferior to Nigh-Omniscience and Total Omniscience. This power differs from Omniscience in that the user has, essentially, a limitless IQ and intellectual capacity, rather than having an innate knowledge of everything. This is the greatest, most supreme level of intellect a being can attain.


Accelerated Perception

Accelerated Probability

Accelerated Thought Process

Causality Perception

Enhanced Instincts/Hyper-Instincts

Enhanced Memory/Panmnesia

Encyclopedic Knowledge


Infinite Creativity

Intelligence Infinitum

Intuitive Aptitude/Instant Learning

Intuitive Perception/Omni-Perception

Maximum Brain Capacity/Enhanced Brain Capacity

Maximum Concentration Capacity/Enhanced Concentration Capacity

Parallel Processing


Peak Human Intelligence

Enhanced Intelligence

Supernatural Intelligence


Accelerated Development

Causality Perception

Encyclopedic Knowledge

Experience Manipulation

Flawless Coordination


Hyper Mind



Instant Learning

Intelligence Infinitum

Intuitive Aptitude

Intuitive Perception

Master Strategist

Maximum Brain Capacity

Mechanical Intuition

Numerical Precision

Omega Physiology




Pattern Sense

Supernatural Condition

Transcendent Physiology

Transcendent Science

LimitationsNeither Nigh Omniscience nor Omniscience.Learning is still needed to acquire knowledge. Mortality may hinder learning and be mastering anything and everything. May cause a significant change in behavior or a severe neglectful detachment to sources of danger. May go into a psychotic breakdown if intelligence is excessively used and/or absorbed. Prolonged use of the brain's entire capacity may accelerate the production of toxins in the brain, resulting in progressive brain damage and eventually, death. 

Known Users

Brainiac 417 (DC Comics

Washu HakubiTenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki)

Metron (DC Comics)

The Phantom Stranger (DC Comics)

Galactus (Marvel)

Odin (Norse Mythology)

Athena/Minerva (Greco-Roman Mythology)

The Stranger (Marvel)

Celestials (Marvel)

The Supreme Intelligence (Marvel)

Jibril (No Game No Life)

Daedalus (Sora no Otoshimono)

Casey Jones (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle; 2012 TV Series); Temporarily

Athena (Valkyrie Crusade)

Minerva (Valkyrie Crusade)

Lucy (Lucy)

Enki (Sumerian Mythology)

Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)

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