Branches of Power - Schools of Magic

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Arcane Magic: Manipulation of the magical aether at its purest. One of the basic schools of magic. Expressions of the energy in this form are normally in the form of bolts, balls, and wards of pure energy. Users of this school generally need a catalyst or talisman to focus their power. Arcanists are most powerful when on or near Ley lines, the invisible rivers of magical energy that run throughout the lands in a worldwide grid.

 Arcanists are most powerful when on or near Ley lines, the invisible rivers of magical energy that run throughout the lands in a worldwide grid

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Alchemy: The changing of one substance to another, as well as imbuing effects onto mundane items. Alchemists are the magical equivalent to blacksmiths. Alchemists are also frequently trained in herb-lore, and as such, they can brew powerful potions to help prepare the imbiber for the stress of magical combat.

 Alchemists are also frequently trained in herb-lore, and as such, they can brew powerful potions to help prepare the imbiber for the stress of magical combat

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Beast Affinity: The users of this school tend to feel more comfortable with animals and nature then they do with their fellow humans. They can take on aspects of their feral friends to enhance their bodies in combat, as well as call upon them as familiars. Those with Beast Affinity can feel the minds of their companions, and usually have a familiar with them at all times.

Black Magic: The basic form of the so-called "evil" side of magic, Black Magic is similar to Arcane in that it is a very simple school

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Black Magic: The basic form of the so-called "evil" side of magic, Black Magic is similar to Arcane in that it is a very simple school. That being said, it also is generally more powerful than Arcane magic, due to the fact that it feeds off emotions. The stronger you feel, the more powerful your magic is. A catalyst or talisman of some sort is usually needed to channel the void energy. Black magicians can draw power from strong sources, like a fresh battlefield or a Leyline, or even from places like a bar or brothel. Anywhere there is a great source of emotion or raw magic power, their power is increased twofold.

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