9- Surprises

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"Mmmm." I moaned as I continued to shovel my waffle into my mouth.

"Is it that good?" I turn my head slightly to look at Harper sitting next to me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes." I said, nodding vigorously with a mouthful of food, so it came out more like 'yesh'.

He laughed and I turned around to look at him fully, "What?" I ask him, frustrated.

"You have ice cream on your nose." He bites his lip to conceal his laughter as I go cross-eyed trying to spot the traitorous ice cream.

"Where?!" I shout, giving up.

"Here, let me get it." Harper laughs as he reaches out and wipes the ice cream off my nose before putting his finger in his mouth and licking the ice cream off of it.

"Ew." I laugh before going back to eating my waffle.

"Are you done yet?" Harper groans for the sixth time, watching me eat the last mouthful of waffle.

"Hey, it's not my fault you make amazing waffles, which are freaking gigantic." I accused pointing my fork at him.

"Didn't you get taught that it's not nice to point fingers?" Harper asks, "or forks in this case." He mumbles.

I laugh so hard that I start choking on the piece of waffle still in my mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" He looks at me like I've grown an extra two heads.

"....you...." I gasp out, still laughing.

As I finally sober up, I look over to see Harper with his arms crossed and an adorable pout on his lips.

"Aw aren't you the cutest." I say in a baby voice, walking over to him and ruffling his hair.

He grabs my hand and turns around to glare at me. "Do not touch my hair." He says in a menacing tone.

Instantly, panic begins to wash over me as my hand that is still held in the air starts to shake. I pull my hand from Harpers grip as fast as I could and turned away from him.

"Sunshine? Camryn, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, it was supposed to be a joke." He says.

I didn't reply, and I could hear him shuffling around as the panic continued to rise and it was becoming hard to stand.

Just as Harper's green eyes come into sight, tears streak down my face and my legs give way.

I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for the impact, but it never comes, instead the warmth of Harper's body captures me as I continue to shake violently and cry.

As Harper sits down, he gathers me in his arms as I sit in his lap, my face buried in his chest as he rubs my back and whispers "It's going to be okay." over and over again.

After a few minutes, my tears stop and gradually my limbs stop shaking, as I just sit in Harper's lap, afraid to look up and face his intense gaze and questioning.

"Camryn?" Harper asks softly.

"H-how did you do that?" I stutter, still not looking at him.

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