8- Off With His Head!

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"No, I said turn down the last street." I said exasperated.

"You are honestly the worst navigator there is, Sunshine." Harper deadpans.

"It's not my fault I don't know my way around this place, I just moved here. So don't go blaming me!" I practically shouted pointing my finger at Harper.

"Okay, okay, fair point. Cool your pool Sunshine." Harper said in an attempt to calm my anger.

I sent him a glare before turning to the front of the car and folding my arms with a pout.

"Aw, is little Camryn upset?" He questions in a high pitch voice one would use to talk to babies.

I grumble in response.

"Hey Sunshine, to make this easier, what's your address?" Harper asks hesitantly noting I'm still in a not-so-good mood.

"3 Albanachy Way." I ground out through my clenched teeth.

"I know where that is, you could have just given me the address." Harper states. "And no, i shouldn't have turned down the street you told me to, that leads to another part of town." He adds.

"Oh." I blush hard and turn to look out the window in an attempt to hide it.

"I know you're blushing Sunshine." Harper teases.

"No I'm not." I mumble, trying to defend myself.

"Yes you are." He sings.

I groan in response and roll my eyes.

As we pull up into my house's driveway, I start to stretch out and reach for my duffle bag in the backseat, but before I could get to it, Harper's hand shot out and pulled it out of my reach.

"Harper! I'm not a child!" I pouted.

"Sure seems like it." Harper laughed.

I huffed and stomped my way up to the front porch, grabbing my keys from my pocket and unlocking the front door.

"Woah." I heard Harper mumble from behind me.

I smiled and turned around to look at him. "So...." I dragged out, "This is my house, no one is home, mum and dad are never here, they busy themselves with work and my brother is at work." I fake smiled.

He nodded, not even looking at me and continued looking around the place, stopping to look at the family photos up around the house. "Wait, you have a brother?" He stopped to ask, looking at me like I'd just kept the biggest secret from him. "You never told me."

I shrugged. "You never asked."

"True." He mumbled before turning back to look at me. Lifting up my duffle bag that's was still in his hands he asked, "Where do I put this?"

"Oh, right, follow me." I motion with my hand for him to come as I head towards the stairs, walking up the two flights before entering my bedroom.

He stood in the doorway, mouth ajar as his eyes swept across my room, with my double sized bed in one corner, pristine white study desk on one wall, floating shelfs all over the place and my lilac walls, with a chalk board black feature wall filled with little quotes, 'encouragements' and daily routines.

I pulled him in by his arm as I closed my door and grabbed the duffle bag and tossed it inside my mirror-doored wardrobe before jumping on my bed and spreading my limbs, taking up as much of the bed as I possibly could.

"You right there?" Harper chuckles.

"Now I am." I mumble as I manoeuvre my way under the covers and snuggle closer to my pillow.

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