2- Learnt From The Master

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my hand down on the 'snooze' button and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with the heels of my palms.

Ugh, school.

Today was my first day attending East Rogue Senior High School and to be honest, I was kind of dreading it. I had to be at school early for the dance program tryouts, so I had to wake up way too early for my liking-6 o'clock

I groaned as I sat up, the pain of sleeping in an awkward position for who knows how long hitting me.

I reluctantly slipped out of my bed and got dressed in my school uniform. It honestly didn't look too bad to me, light blue button up shirt with the schools logo, and a pair of black shorts to go with. After getting dressed, I made my way into my small attached bathroom and put on a light layer of makeup before putting my books, dance clothes, Pointe and jazz shoes into my school bag. I braced myself and picked up my heavy bag with a loud 'oomph' as I swung it on my shoulder. Do I really have to carry this around all day?

Trying to be as quiet as possible -as to not wake up my family- I walked down two flights of stairs to get to the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of Weet-Bix and added a little bit (a lot) of sugar before I dug in.

After rinsing my bowl out, I ran back up stairs to brush my teeth and do my hair. I grabbed my light purple toothbrush and quickly brushed my teeth while humming to 'I Hate U, I Love U' by Gnash, before moving onto my hair. Thanking myself silently for washing and straightening it yesterday, I put my collarbone-length hair into a cute wrap-around braid and twisted the ends into a small bun.

Feeling satisfied with my successful attempt at taming my hair, I went back downstairs to get my snack and lunch food. Finding an already made wrap in the fridge with my name on it, I took it out and placed it in my small purple lunchbox. I moved to the pantry room to find some snacks, I came out with a small packet of biscuits and a muesli bar. Throwing an apple into my bag as well, I was ready to go to school.

Just as I was about to write a note saying I caught the bus to school, Caylum came thumping down the stairs dressed and ready.

"What are you doing today Cay?" I asked him.

"Nothing much, I got to get going off to my new job soon. You need a ride to school?" He said.

"Uhh. Yes please, you know where it is right?"

"Yes Cammy, I know where your school is." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"Cool. Can we get going then, I don't want to be late for dance tryouts." I said and started walking out of the kitchen. It was now 6:40 and my tryouts start at 7.

"Calm down Cammy, we still have another 20 minutes before you need to be at school and I don't start work until 7:30." My brother tried to calm me. Haha, good luck with that.

"But Cay, you know how much I hate being late and I'd prefer if I'm early, oh and by the way, we are taking Kade as well, he's doing dance tryouts too." I informed him.

"Ugh. Why do you have to be so annoying?" My brother grumbled under his breath.

"That would be because I learnt my skills of being annoying from the master." I joked pointing to myself then him.

"Ha ha" he drawled sarcastically.

"I know I'm hilarious. Now let me go get Kade, then we can leave ok?" I said. He nodded and bit into his small green apple. Ugh. Green apples, they're disgusting!

I walked out the door and over to the house on my houses right, another three storey house, in which belongs to my best friend. I knocked on the door and sure enough, Kade walked out with his bag on his back, and might I add, he looked hot in his uniform. I know I most likely shouldn't be saying that, but it's the truth.

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