"Emaad, I am thinking to come to Lahore and meet her—"His eyes went wide and he stood up.

"No dad," he controlled the edge in his tone, "It's not good, you know we can't have media swooping around with anymore false rumors and I am actually taking Daniyah out of the country," he piled up the lies as he frantically thought of ways to keep the old man out of track.

"Out of country?" he could sense the added up stress in Mr. Shah's voice but without care he kept adding lies and then ended the call. Throwing the phone on the couch he ran his hands across his face.

He has to think of something and think of it fast.

Rushing back towards the room he quickly made it way towards the attached bathroom and started his day, his mind rushing through all the tasks at hand and plan for his next step, the only thing he had to do was to get Mohuiddin and Farhana Shah out of the country as soon as possible. Wrapping a towel around his body he got out of the room, his hair still dripping water and his mind rushing with all the possibilities.

"It's not actually really good to leave a woman alone in bed considering the night you had with her," Emaad looked up and forced a smile towards Mishaal who was looking at him with a smirk.

"Milady, our thrilling night had already made me late so accept my sincere apology." He placed his palm on his heart and bowed his head a little, Mishaal's laugh resonated across the room and shaking his head Emaad walked towards the dressing table.

"I will accept your apology," their eyes met as Mishaal came and stood just behind him with a mischievous glint in her large eyes, she kissed his shoulder blade to completely gain his attention and then continued, "only if you promise to return early tonight."

Emaad tensed remembering the call he received an hour ago, "I will try my best but no promises." He gave a small smile as he turned towards the closet.

"Then you can forget the forgiveness," Mishaal shrugged as she followed him.

"I know my way to gain it," a smirk curled his lips as he took out his ink blue cotton check shirt, buttoning it up he moved towards Mishaal , leaning near to her ears he whispered words which set her body on fire.


His fingers were tapping on the arm rest of his chair and he was leaned back on it with his eyes closed, his managers were all sitting in front of him briefing about the fire which has spread across the nation, media was demanding any notion from his side and wasn't taking no for an answer, business partners were pushing forward their doubts, political pressure was stirring too and lastly his employees, they were murmuring the rumors. Forty eight hours later and storm was still creating havoc all around, listening to all of the arguments he gave them temporary orders and dismissed the batch.

Finally he opened his eyes as a heavy silence descended in the room, he knew neither of his employees were happy with his suggestions, he knew his company has started to face a major fall back, it wouldn't have been much of a deal if Daniyah would have belonged from a normal middle class family. He might have released a statement saying, 'he believed in his wife and fully support her independence,' but if she would have been from a family like that this issue would never have been there in the first place, she would have been under his hold, or she wouldn't be much of a use.

It started from the initial statement of his father during his engagement about Daniyah being a future of their company which destroyed everything, the statement which got them social and political praise was now hanging above their head, entire nation was passing its remark about, 'Their asset becoming a liability,' about 'How Daniyah Shah favored a rivalry firm,' about 'the uncertain future of Kirmanis,' and not to mention all the scandal media could bring out.

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