[23] Darcy's Arrival

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"This is my girlfriend, Avery, and her daughter Aimee." Niall introduced. "And Ave, this is Darcy, Harry's fiance." Niall glanced between us and I soon was pulled into a big hug from Darcy.

"I've heard so much about you." She chuckled. "Harry says that this one here doesn't shut up about you. You've got him whipped." She teased, glancing at him. He blushed furiously and picked Aimee up, who probably was striving for attention. "And you! It's so good to see you, what's your name again?"

"Aimee and I'm this many." Aimee put up two fingers, and Niall put up the third for her. "I have my red undies on today." Aimee stated. I wanted to scold her, but I held back this time as everyone in the room laughed. Screw it, I'd let it slide just this one time.

"Babe, I've got your bags." Harry whispered to Darcy, his hand on her side. I could see the way that they looked at each other that they were truly in love, and it made me wonder if this was what people saw when they looked at Niall and I. Guess I would never truly know.

"I'm really sorry that we're all cramped in here right now." I apologized. "Zayn told me this morning that we're going to move to a bigger room, so hopefully you'll at least have a bed." I said sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I'm not too high maintenance if you couldn't tell." She gestured to her one bag that Harry had strapped over his shoulder as he leaned in and pecked her on the lips. I looked down and saw a small diamond ring on her finger and it brought a smile to my face. They truly were an adorable couple.

"Mommy!" Aimee shouted, holding my phone high in the air. There was so much commotion around the room that I could barely hear her, but a mother knows how to pick out their child's voice. I turned to her as she rushed up me, handing it to me. "It dinged."

I bit my lip and looked around the room.

"If you'll just excuse me for one sec." I apologized to Darcy, slipping into the bathroom to read the message. I saw that it wasn't a text or a voice mail, but an email. I frowned down at my phone and set the toilet seat lid down, sitting on the cold tile and clicking on my mail app.

When I saw my mom's old email address, my heart slowed. It felt so good to see that she was at least trying to contact me. It had been over a year since she had talked to me and I'd heard her voice, and even then it was to lecture me about my life decisions.

I clicked on the email and read it a few times over.


I hope that you and Aimee are doing well. I wanted to write to you because I knew that Aimee's birthday has passed and she's turned three. I feel so old saying that I'm a grandma of a three year old, and I also feel bad that I have only seen her a few times.

How is Jake doing? Has he gotten a job yet? I hope that he's gotten off his lazy bum and actually tried to work hard for once in his life. I promised not to complain about him, but it feels necessary to at least once in this message.

Anyways, I'll get to the point. I know that New York is far from Nevada and that you aren't in the best shape financially, so your father and I have purchased two tickets to come down to Nevada to visit us for two weeks. Don't try to bring that rotten boyfriend of yours, we just want to visit with you two because it has been so long.

The dates of the tickets are in a month, which I know is a bit of a long time away, but I wanted you to know a while in advance so that you could talk to Jake about leaving for a little while. I hope that you write back, because it has been a while. I'd also like to apologize for my behavior, but I feel very strongly against having a child before marriage and you know that I won't forgive you for doing something so stupid.

Please respond soon.

-Sandra Holmes

I realized that I was squeezing my phone so hard that my hand was hurting. It was a nice gesture to offer us tickets, but I didn't want to be insulted like this again. And for her to sign as Sandra Holmes instead of mom just made me feel so betrayed.

I closed my eyes, focusing on breathing, trying to relax myself. Darcy was here, and everyone was together, and I was going to enjoy myself. I wouldn't let some silly email get in the way of my fun and most especially- my life.

Not even taking a second glance at it, I clicked the waste bin on my screen and put the email in the trash. I did not want to be reminded of how my family practically shunned me after I became pregnant. Back then, what I needed was them and they weren't there for me. So why should I be for them now?

There was a soft knock on the door, and I quickly fixed my hair.

"Coming!" I called.

"Good, babe, we're gonna order somethin' for lunch. You okay?" He answered. I bit my lip and opened the door to the small bathroom, letting him in. I didn't want to worry him, but I wanted to tell him.

He closed the door behind him and we were standing face-to-face in the extremely tiny bathroom. He smiled down at me and pecked me on the lips.

"It's my mom, she emailed. She wants Aimee and I to come to Nevada." I sighed. Niall's face lit up.

"That's great! Avery, you'll finally get to see them again! And Aimee can see her grandparents finally!" He beamed. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest, frustrated.

"No, Niall." I shook my head. "I'm not going to see them."

"Why not?" He asked, cupping my face with both of his hands and making me look up like him. I felt like a little child, slumping at looking at him with big, sad eyes.

"Because of them, I went through hell. Maybe if they were there for me and they were supportive, I wouldn't have felt trapped and alone for the last three years. They gave up on me, and I'm not going to visit them because they feel bad." I bit my lip.

Niall licked his lips and had a faraway look in his eyes, like he was thinking of what to answer me with. I waited, studying his face.

"Alright, babe." He said. "I understand. But just think about it, okay?"

I nodded and looked up at him, smiling.

"By the way," Niall smirked. "You look really beautiful today. Do you know that?" I giggled and we stood there, in that tiny bathroom, kissing, my back already hitting the wall because we literally were so crammed in there. Niall chuckled and pulled away, still smiling.

"We should go before they think we fell in the toilet." He teased. I nodded and we walked back to the group, hand in hand, as I pushed away all the thoughts of my parents into my past, where they belonged.



You're all amazing and I love ya so much.


Thanks for taking your time to read this c:

- x Delilah

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