Chapter 28

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"Shownu, where is Minhyuk??" Wonho tugged at the babysitter's light sleeve while giving him concerning puppy glances.

Wonho had walked home by himself after the funeral despite his so young age, dragging a lot of glances to his frain limbs, shakingly carrying him.

All alone on the narrow path. Shownu had told him that he was just going to fix a thing and that he'd arrive at home later which he did, now standing in the doorway.

"Your big brother is over at his friends place. As usual. He might come home tomorrow, I think he stayed the night." Shownu answered the little boy whoms face was overwhelmed with a disappointed expression. The tall man kneeled down to face Wonho. "Don't worry, I'm here in the meantime." He comforted, hugging Wonho quickly, at this point it was pretty normal.

Both of them took their own spot in the couch in front of the TV, placed in the livingroom. Shownu grabbed the TV remote to check what was on. "What do you want to watch?" He asked without looking at Wonho.

"I...want to watch...Batman." the little boy admitted with a thoughtful tone, demanding Shownu to switch from the documentary to the kids channel.

Shownu immediately switched without hesitation, fully aware of the fact that this was the only kind of stimulation the poor little one got. He felt bad for Wonho, why didn't Minhyuk take care of him more though he knew that Minhyuk did love his brother unconditionally. Now was a good time to show it though.

"Didn't you see this episode already?"

"Five times."
Wonho's gaze was glass-like and obviously bored which concerned Shownu.

"Listen, we can do something else." Shownu suggested without getting a reply, leaving the room in silence.

"...Okay fine, let's go get a pizza. Sounds good?" He nodded at Wonho whoms face had instantly turnt brighter at the suggestion.

"Yes! I haven't eaten pizza for 3 years!" He hugged the so much taller man tightly with a bright smile. "Thank you, Hyunwoo!"

Shownu shrugged as the boy addressed him with his real name, it was never mentioned for some reason as he had chosen to go by "Shownu" ever since his family had to move due to serious death threats caused by his mother's past, abusive relationships.

The need of using the name was no longer needed but for some reason, he never called himself Hyunwoo anymore so hearing that from the boy he babysat warmed his heart.

"Let's go get it." He said, turning off the TV and reaching out for the door's handle. Just as he was about to open it, the door got opened from the other side. Two polices stepped in together with two familiar faces. Faces belonging to the two investigators.
The two polices took a steady grip around the big man's arms, not letting him go.

"You are arrested for accusations regarding premeditated murder." Investigator Lee Jooheon claimed, leading the whole gang out of the house, leaving Wonho alone.
Alone, again.

Innocent or Guilty | Hyunghyuk MONSTA XDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora