Chapter 19

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Wonho jumped up from the worn out couch as he heard the door getting opened. He ran towards the hall without hesitation on his yet fragile, pale legs.

"Minhyuk!" The little boy threw his arms around his big brother's neck who lifted him up in his arms.

"Where were you?! I was worried...You're rarely ever home lately." Wonho said with an almost trembling voice.

"I'm sorry but I had to company Hyungwon after all that happened. It's frightening, like could you imagine." Minhyuk sighed but then cracked up in a bright smile as he bent down on his knees to ruffle Wonho's silky, blond, neat hair.

"I'm here now."

The younger boy did not smile back, his face was frozen in a sad expression. His eyes had a listless glare and his voice sounded monotone.

"Will you be alright?"
Minhyuk grabbed his dear brother's hand and squeezed it.

"I'm here. Don't worry." He pulled Wonho into a tight hug as he whispered. "I'm here."

After what felt like an hour, Minhyuk let go of Wonho and walked into the small livingroom.
The walls were once white but currently beige as the colour had slowly started to rot.

In the brown leather couch sat a big, strong-built man with tan skin and broad shoulders.
He was dressed in a sleeveless, black tank top and a pair of shorts. The man's hair was black and pulled back so that his forehead was clearly visible.

"He wasn't too troublesome today, right?" Minhyuk sat down on the couch next to the muscular man and casually laid back. The man did not answer.


The big man shrugged as if he was lost in his own world and now awoke to the sound of Minhyuk's voice.

"No, no. He was quiet and...calm all day." The man called Shownu finally answered in a low tone. Minhyuk nodded.

"Good. Isn't it time for you to get a real job soon though? You don't gain a lot from babysitting."

Shownu sighed. "I can't leave Wonho for money, that's wrong."
The thinner, white haired boy nodded and smiled a warm smile.

"You're a very kind person, Shownu. Thank you for everything you do for me."

"Anytime, my friend."
"So?" Daniel sat with his arms crossed over his chest once again, same spot, same listless expression on the chair in the dark office.

Investigator Jooheon watched him from the other side of the small table, holding a coffee mug that he took a sip from every once in a while.

"I guess we'll just wait for the judge to prove Jisoo Hong guilty. It's obvious that him even without DNA or other physical evidence from the crime scene."

Daniel nodded slowly as he bit his lip. "I'm not sure about this."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think Jisoo is the killer, sir."

Investigator Jooheon glared at his apprentice with questioning eyes, how could Daniel say that now? Wasn't it obvious that it was Jisoo. After some seconds of silence, Daniel sighed and looked around before he started to speak.

"Jisoo Hong cannot be proven guilty without DNA evidence or physical evidence connecting him to the crime scene."

"So?" Jooheon asked.

"We have to go back to the crime scene to collect physical evidence."

Innocent or Guilty | Hyunghyuk MONSTA XWhere stories live. Discover now