Chapter 27

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Kihyun froze as he felt the overwhelming heat flowing through his spine. It was unbearable, he wanted to scream and shout but nothing came out from his mouth but painful silent screams. He immediately understood what was happening.

He was lit on fire. His jacket was lit on fire. Panic grip him and he frenetically tried to get out of his jacket but it was too late, his shirt was burning as well and his skin had already taken incredible damage that one wouldn't even want to see.

"Please no! Not me! Help me!" He cried in desperation as the fire spread over his whole body to the point he barely looked human.

Many second hadn't passed when the man's vision was as blurry as the glass of a window, touched by a kid's warm breath and he was almost unconcious. The burnt, almost lifeless body dropped to the floor to the sound of quiet, pained whispering.
"We'll meet up up heaven, honey."


"Lamp-oil was poured over the victim's jacket. Lamp-oil automatically starts burning after a bit of time depending on what type it is. A very dangerous weapon." The investigator stated as he observed the dead body covered in ashes.

"I wish I didn't left him alone..." Hyungwon said with regret in his voice. He just couldn't believe that the inhuman creature of ash in front of him was his so close friend Kihyun.

How his laughter would never be heard again, he would never nagg him about whatever there was left to point out, never again would he comfort him about the things he could never tell anyone. Not even Minhyuk.

No, never again would the man's angelic voice be heard and that thought made Hyungwon tear up again.

"I am really sorry for all these inconviencing happenings, sir but my apprentice and I promise to find the guilty of these serie of horrible crimes." Jooheon said, facing Hyungwon, giving him sympathic glances with Daniel joining in.
Daniel grabbed his yellow writing pad. "Did Mr.Yoo have any enemies as we call it? Do you know anything useful?" He straight up asked Hyungwon without caring about saving the interview until they had arrived at the office.

Hyungwon thought for a long time before answering with an insecure tone. "His wife died while giving birth to their first child. That's not very useful though..."

Daniel nodded, making a note in his worn-out pad.
"We'll search for physical evidence if that is the case."

Jooheon took action at Daniel's statement, unpacking their equipment to investigate the dead body in detail for traces of possible DNA.

Just as the both of the investigators kneeled down in front of the body, Hyungwon stopped them as a thought hit him.

"In fact-" He started. "There is a man who visits the bar where Kihyun used to work."

Jooheon raised his eyebrow. "I see, who?"

"I think...His name is Shownu."

Innocent or Guilty | Hyunghyuk MONSTA XNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ