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A sigh leaves my lips as I feel myself slowly awaken from my sleep.

My body feels tired. As if I've aged up forty years overnight. But weirdly enough, I also feel well-rested. This was the best lie-down I've had since the world turned hollow and dark. I've actually been asleep for a change.

A strong smell of tomato figths it's way into my nostrils as I turn to my side. I groan at the sensation and pull my sheets over my face.

What is placed on my bedside table cannot go unseen even with my eyes still closed. I know mum means it well, but yet another bowl of soup is getting ridiculous. It's the fourth one given to me and I've only been here since last night.

I push myself up from my warm spot in the bed and fixate my vision on the bowl of liquid. I allow my brain to wonder about silly things like the origin of soup and all things related to it. I think about nothing important and feel light and empty for a while. Until, then suddenly, Louis pops up in my mind. His eyes are sparkling with blue and a witty smile is plastered on his face. It's how I like to see him most. My favourite version of him. It's a side of Louis that I might lose forever..

The memories from yesterday click together like a puzzle and sweat breakes out from under my pits. It's in that exact moment that my blank mind clouds with worries and sadness fills the empty spaces in my bones. It makes me nudge the bowl of tomato away from me in disgust.

Even in my old bed from when I was a child, a bed that was never Louis's and mine to own together, it still feels weird to wake up alone. I'm so used to having Louis right beside me. And today, I feel intensely alone.

I jump from the bed and stumble around my old room, bumping into everything in my way to get to my phone. When I click it on, there's no message. No new call. Nothing.

I throw on my shirt and jeans from the day before and hurry out of the tiny room.

I want to see him. I need to. I'll maybe have break an entrance since it's only seven in the morning -no visiting hours- but I couldn't care any less.

I'm coming for my man. The love of my life.


When I arrive at the hospital in my mum's hot-pink car, it's still pretty dark outside. And I'm glad. I think this adds to my favour. Because in the dark clothes that I'm wearing, I won't attract attention as much. Although that's a different story for the pink car... So let's just ignore that.

I park her in the most distant parking-spot available and swing myself out of the vehicle.

I only know which floor Louis was on before he got taken away. Before his heart stopped beating. But that room is still my best shot at getting to him.

I'm sure he's back there by now. He must be. I haven't had a call from the hospital. I haven't heard from the boys. So I just know Louis is alive. I can feel he's okay and breathing. He would never leave me alone in this world.

His hospital room is on the second floor. I debate going through the window for a moment, but then realise they'll probably never open. And what if there's an alarm on them?

My best shot is the front door. If I go in there slowly, like I belong, no one will notice. And then still, I just have to try.

I make my way over to the entrance with my head and shoulders ducked down. I don't see anyone so far. My only fear is that there'll be people at the reception-desk.

He Was In A Car Accident - Larry StylinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora