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A/N: I listened to Pearl Harbor - Brothers. It really made me feel in the mood for this chapter :(


"It's all my fault, Harry," he cries and something drops to the bottom of my stomach.

Liam lifts his hands, as if to make a figure in the air, but then slams them down onto his lap.

Alarm bells start going off inside my head, telling me to get away, telling me to be scared. Though somehow, I know I have yet to discover if all of that is even necessary. I mean, Liam's my best friend. What could he have done? I could very possibly just be misunderstanding him. Or he's just tired and thinking rubbish.

"What is your fault, Liam? What do you mean?" the words leave my lips calm and slow. I sound as if I've got everything under control and for a second, I even believe I do. But then a whimper echoes through the car, followed by the sound of Liam's choked voice, saying;

"It's my fault he got into the accident,"

And just like that, as if a thunderstorm found it's way inside of me, I feel sick and on the verge of vomiting.

I lose every bit of control I had.

I pull myself up from my seat, unable to form words and not knowing what else to do. I'm sitting on my knees as I focus my eyes on Liam. I can't wrap my finger around why he would think it's his fault, but he's starting to scare the crap out of me now.

I still try to stay calm and I tell Liam to try too. I tell him he's not making any sense and that he's being weird. But Liam shakes his head wildly, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What did you do?" I whisper in terror and I don't know if I want to hear the answer anymore.

Liam seems to have trouble to get the words out. I'm still feeling sick to my stomach and I feel very lightheaded too. I'd really rather just get out of this situation, but I have to know.

"Liam, please,"

"He was just in such a hurry, Hazz" Liam begins and I watch intensely how more tears form in his eyes. "He thought he was going to miss the wedding. I..- I assured him he would be fine, but I-"

I find myself rubbing my hand over Liam's back. Up and down. Again and again and again. I just can't help it and I hadn't even noticed I'd started doing it. Part of me doesn't trust where this is going and honestly, I'm not sure whether to keep comforting him or not. Though as Liam's friend, I should know that he would never hurt someone. And seeing him hurting instead, hurts me too.

"Go on," I plead. "Liam, what happened?"

"He..- He was so stressed out and I knew he was, but I..-" Liam wipes his wet and snotty nose on his sleeve, his words are gibberish, his lips trembling. "I- I asked him to get me an extra shirt or whatever. I asksed him even though I knew he was stressed out, and..-"

He trails off again.

"What are you saying?" I press. This still doesn't make sense to me.

"He went to get my stuff, Harry. Don't you get it?" Liam looks up to where the ceiling of his car hides the sky. More tears roll over his cheeks and I wait. Then he locks eyes with me. "It was because of me that he was going to arrive even later at the wedding," he whispers, as if afraid to say it out loud. "It's because of me that he was probably stressed out and speeding..-"

Liam's eyes are massive as he's staring at me in shock. They're filled with more tears and he's not blinking either. He looks so strange like this. It's like I don't even recognise him.

He Was In A Car Accident - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now