"Trust you instincts. Your more powerful than you know" mom says to Clary, than turns to me "both of you are!"

"Mom I need to understand what's going on!" Clary says.

"Dot! Now!" Mom says to Dot. I watch Dot put her hand up and blue sparks escape from her fingers opening a portal. I watch in awe when I see the purple portal appear in the standing mirror. I may be able to make one as well but it's still really cool to see it happen from an actual warlock and not my stele.

"Everything I've done I've done for you too. Every mistake I've made was because I love both of you more than anything, even if you didn't come here till you were 11." Mom says "Elizabeth." She whispers my name.

"What are you doing mom!" I say starting to freak out.

"Luke will explain everything. He'll hide you." Mom says.

"Hide us! From who?" Clary asks.

"The circle. He's the only one you can trust" mom says with her voice braking. "Trust no one else."

"Mom" I say weakly and my voice brakes, it's like the accident all over again, I'm losing my mother all over again.

"Hey it's going to be okay. You'll see me again I promise" mom says holding my face.

"D-don't make p-promises you don't know if you c-can keep... please." I say with my voice breaking completely. She looks at me with sad eyes and kisses my forehead. I let the tears fall.

"Mom don't leave me please." I hug her tight, she hugs back then pulls away quickly.

"Mom I don't-" Clary says.

"Where's Luke now?" She asks Clary and places my hand in hers.

"The police station." She says scared.

"Remember I love you both" and with those last words from mom we went through the portal far away from her and to Luke.

Once we are through the portal we land at the front door of the police station. Captain Varegs walks up the stairs.

"Clary? Jamie?" Captain Varges says.

"Captain Varges." I say putting up my walls again hiding all traces that I've been crying.

"Its 2 in the morning what are you two doing here so late?" She asks

"Uh, um" Clary tries but couldn't figure out anything to say.

"Uh, Luke said he'd give us a ride home if he was still here." I says thinking on my feet.

"Still doesn't trust those cabbies hun?" We shake our heads going with it "well he's in a meeting, may be awhile."

"It's fine we'll wait in the cafeteria" I say and start walking to the caff pulling Clary.

"Um, Jamie? Is everything alright? Some kind of problem? Guy trouble? Either of you?" She asks, she doesn't know about me and Ryan, we never got to that stage. I nod and I let go of Clary,

'You have no idea'. I say on my head thinking of Alec and Jace being back in my life, plus my boyfriend.

"Uh, Yah, boy troubles. It's fine though" I say and she nods and walks out of the station. My phone rings again, I look at the caller id and see 'Ry'! I ignore the call and let out a sigh turning around to see Clary listening to Luke's meeting, I turn on my hearing rune and listen from where I am at the elevators.

"The minute we found out Jocelyn Fairchild was alive you were easy to track" a man said.

"Fairchild?" I hear Clary whisper.

"Turns out you and Jocelyn were never that far apart. The circle has her now. It's just a matter of time until we catch the daughters." The man continues.

"You can have them all if you give up the mortal cup." A women says this time. Luke sighs.

"I don't care about any of them. They mean nothing to me. Kill them all if you want My people want the cup. Why do you think I've been hanging around here all these years? Now when I find the cup... I'm gonna keep it. And you can tell valentine and the circle that." Luke says. Oh Luke.

"Nobody said Valentine." The woman said again.

"You didn't have to." Luke says.

"Listen to me!" The man tries.

"No you listen to me. Get out of my office" Luke finishes the meeting.

I deactivate my runs and see Clary sink down onto the steps. I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Mom... Jamie mom..." Clary says breathing heavily.

"No Clary we aren't suppose to go back." I whisper to her.

"Jamie we can't leave her, she could be dead." Clary whispers back. I sigh and we get up running out of the station and home through the rain.

We make it to the front door of our apartment, Clary runs past the pile of blood that is being rushed away by water but I stop. No, someone's hurt.

"MOM!!!" I hear Clary scream. Not a she's dead scream but a calling out scream. I continue looking at the blood trying to figure out who's it was. When I don't hear her screaming anymore I start to worry, then a crack of thunder rumbles and I jump. I gasp and turn to run inside. Once inside I don't see Clary.

"No,no,no. You were suppose to watch her Elizabeth!" I say to my self under my breath. I run upstairs hoping she's there. At the top of the stairs I see the door is open, I pull out my seraph blade and continue inside.

"I can't think someone kidnaped my mother!" I hear Clary say. I walk in quietly.

"You know more than you think you do Clary Fray!" A demon in the shape of Dot says. I watch the tentacles jump out of her mouth and dig into Clary. I run up to the demon and push her off Clary. As I push it off one of its teeth drags down my arm.

"Shit!" I say loudly in pain. I continue to fight it but I knocks my blade out of my hand. "Seriously!" I says sarcastically. I start fighting it without my blade but I'm losing. I head I thud on the floor and see Clary out cold. "Mother fu-... Okay  you are seriously getting on my nerves" I say to the demon, but it ignores me and pushes me against a wall, I let out a grunt of pain. I see gold start to shine in the demons chest and it screams in pain disappearing to show none other than Alec Lightwood standing in front of me. My eyes roll to the back of my head and my legs give out but I don't feel myself hit the ground.

"Hang on" I hear Alec say, "I got you" and with that everything goes black.

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