Chapter XV | Sola

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Luna's POV

     After beating Fuchsia City's Gym, we continued training our teams.

I decided to go with Atlas, since Eclipse and Inferno were talking about an incident.

Atlas insisted that we trained in the nearby forest, so I followed.

I wasn't sure why we were here, but I had a strange feeling that we were being watched.

Suddenly, Atlas stopped. "What is it?" I ask. "Quiet," he muttered. "You don't have to be rude," I mumble.

Then he put his finger to my mouth. "I don't think we're alone," Atlas whispered.

When I hushed up, I heard rustling leaves. "Anyone there?" a voice came.

I remained silent, but Atlas seemed to be willing to take a risk.

Suddenly, a boy with orange hair and brightly-colored eyes walked through the trees in our direction.

I recognized him, instantly. Sola, my younger brother. "Sola?" I call. He turned to me and looked shocked.

"Luna?" he replied. Sola ran towards me and wrapped me in his arms. "I missed you."

"Wow, you've already got a boyfriend. Nice," he grinned, turning to Atlas.

Atlas then made an 'Undertale Frisk' face at the comment.

"We aren't dating," I scowl. "Exactly," Atlas joined in. "Okay, I believe you," Sola said sarcastically.

"So I take it we're gonna have another member on our adventure," Atlas sighed.

"Nah, I was just lost in this forest," Sola shrugged. "After I find my way out, it's onto the eighth gym."

My jaw dropped in shock. "You only need to beat one more gym?" I exclaim. "I guess," Sola shrugs.


Atlas' POV

     After bringing Sola out of the forest, he headed to Fuchsia to say goodbye to Eclipse.

Before we could continue, Sola turned around. "I didn't catch your name," he called.

"Atlas." I reply. Sola scratches his chin, then grins. "Wanna battle?" Sola asked.

"One of mine against your whole team." I shook my head. "One on one," I order.

Sola looked surprised, but sent out his Pokémon seconds later.

"Let's go, Alakazam!" Sola shouts. "Sneasel, you got this," I mutter. Sola looked confused for a moment.

"What's that?" He asked. I grin evilly. "Sneasel, the sharp claw Pokémon," I started.

"A Pokémon from another region known as Johto, and it's an Ice and a Dark-type. I'll also add, dark beats psychic."

Sola's eye twitched. "Never heard of a dark-type before," he muttered.

"Well, here's the power of one," I smirk. "Use night slash, now!"

     Sneasel rushed Sola's Alakazam and landed its attack, dealing damage.

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