Chapter 17

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Monika's POV
I'm at Cristiano's home,i live here now.I'm in bathroom and I'm waiting for the pregnancy test to be ready.In instructions is wrote that I need to wait 5 minutes and that if 2 dashes appear I'm pregnant.Ok i waited 5 minutes.Ok Monika it's time to see... I'm pregnant.I'm so happy.And nobody is at home, why?In this case i will call Korin.
,,Hey sis what's up"
,,Hey i have some good news"
,, What kind if news"
,,I can't talk at phone we need to meet"
Cristiano's POV
I'm at home.I came to see if Monika it's better.I wanted to entered un our room but i heard that she speak with someone.
,,Ok,bye see you later,love you",,Love you!,,she cheating on me or something.I can't believe that .I need some air.
*After 20 minutes*
I decided to go to a hotel to stay because I'm very furious.How she can do that to me?.Hmm... it's a bar in my hotel room let's see what's​ in.
*After 1 hour*
I think that i drink too much.
Someone at my door.
,, Enter "
,,Cris hey"
,, Angelica, what are you doing here?"
,, Nothing Cris i just come to ask you if Junior is allergic at something"
,, What? why you don't call me?"
,,I..mmm... lost my Junior.."
,,Oh he isn't​ allergic at anything"
,,Ok thanks bye"that's strange.Maybe i need some fresh air...i will go to balcony.What's a beautiful view,but wait, that's Monika with... Antonio, Korin's​ boyfriend.He hugged her.I can't believe.I will call Korin..her phone is closed.Maybe i will take a nap.
Monika's POV
,, I'm so happy for you and Cristiano"Antonio said
,, Thanks"
,,But you will see how happy Korin will be "
,,Hey Korin,you buy your pills?"Antonio asked
,,Yep i Monika what about that new"
,,One moment my friend Tina need to be here too"
,,Tina? Who is Tina?"
,,She is my best friend,but she went to Greece, because her boyfriend move here...but they​ broke up ,and now she is here"
,,Hey Tina"she hugged me,,Tina that's my sister in law Korin and her boyfriend Antonio.Korin, Antonio she is Tina,my best friend"
,,Nice to meet you finally"Korin said
,, Nice to meet​ you both,Monika told many things about you two"
,,So... Monika "
,,Oh yes... I'm pregnant"
,,OMG i can't believe, congratulations"
Korin said
,,Yes Monika, congratulations,but who is the father?"
,, Really Tina? It's Cris"
,,But he knows already?"Korin asked
,, No i didn't see him from​ the morning"
,,Strange"Antonio said
,, Maybe he is already at home "Korin said
,,I don't know,but if we are here we need to celebrating"
,, Good idea ,Monika"Tina said.We entered in a beautiful restaurant,which was near.After 2hours i went home.And it's stange that Cristiano it's not at home just Junior with ...Dolores! What she is doing here?I think that she is in Portugal.
,,Hi Junior "He came and hugged me.I just love Junior.I feel like he is my child.
,,Hi Monika"
,,So you come from Portugal?"
,,Yes,you didn't know?"
,,No, Cristiano didn't tell me"
,, Good that Angelica knew and she met me"
,, Listen.."
,, Monika i understand, your friends are more important that your family."
,,I didn't know that you will come "
,,My dear,You do not have to pretend you care, I have no idea what my boy saw in you"and she went in Junior's room.Why she is like that with me?"
I'm so tired,i will go to sleep.When i I put myself in bed , I saw the door of my room opening.
,, Monika?"
,, Junior, what's wrong?"
,, Nothing ,i just can't sleep.Can i sleep with you?"
,, Of course buddy,come here"he closed the door and he came beside me.
,, Monika?"
,,Where is papi?"
,,I don't know,maybe he is busy.You know that your dad is always busy"
,,Yes i know...but i have you and i know you'll always have time for me." That's so cute.I kiss him on the check.
,,Yes and i have you.Now sleep"
,, Good night"
,, Good night"
I woke up and i saw that Junior is not here and Cris didn't come ..I went to bathroom.Then i dressed ,and i went to kitchen.In kitchen i saw Dolores speaking with Angelica...and they are very happy.
,, Good morning"
,,Oh Monika.. good morning"Dolores said
,,Hi Monika"Angelica with a big smile said
,,Where is Junior?"
,,Dear he is at kindergarten,like all normal children"Angelica said.
,, Thanks Angelica that took him to the kindergarten"
,, It's my pleasure"Where's​ Cris he always defense in front of his mother and Angelica.I listen the door ,maybe it's Cris.He is!
,, Good morning Cris"
,, Good morning, Monika"
,,Cris where you was?"
,,I need to tell you​ all I'm doing,or what?"
,,No you don't need"
,, Cristiano!"
,,Hey mom"
,,Hey Cris"
,, Angelica, don't name me Cris, just my family can name me that"
,, Cristiano don't be rude with your child's mother"
,, What?"i said
,,Yes I'm pregnant and that's Cristiano's child."I feel so bad.I want to cry.
,, Cris can we talk,In private"
,,Yes.."we went to our room.
,, Cristiano,can you explain"
,,But you?"
,, What do you mean?"
,, Yesterday i I heard you saying to someone i love you,and then i saw you hugging with Antonio, Why Monika?"
,,Cris yesterday i speak only with Korin,and Antonio hugged me because he congratulate me"
,,But why?"
,, I'm... "
,,Cris come here,we go to doctor with Angelica"
,,Mom why i need to go?"
,, Because she is your child's mother"
,,Mom that's not my child"
,, It's your child , Angelica said that she was yesterday at your hotel"
,, What?" I said
,, Dear i can explain"
,, What explain...that you go to a hotel room with another woman."
,, Monika..."
,,Let me, I'm very disappointed.I was thinking that you're my soulmate...but it's not."Suddenly i feel again very bad.I almost fell but Cris was here.
,,Monika are you ok?"
,,No I'm not"
,, Maybe we need to call the doctor"
,,And now you care about me, Dolores.I need to go"
,, Where?"Cris asked
,,I don't need to tell you everything" And i got out.
*After 2 hours*
,,And that's all Tina"
,,I can't believe he is such​ a big idiot"
,,I think that my child will grow without father"
,, What?You decide to broke up with Cris?"
,,Yes i think so"
,, Listen Monika... next week i need to go to New York"
,,Really?Maybe i can go with you?'
,,Ok if you want i think it will be funny"
*After 2 weeks*
,,Hey Monika,Tina so how you feel again in New York"
,,We felt good, right Tina?"
,,Yes was very interesting"
,,Monika,Tina today you two will go to a match with me? "
,,A football match?"Tina asked
,,Yes,Real Madrid-Sevilia "
,,Oh seriously?"
,, Monika you know Cris started to play very bad"
,, That's not my problem"
,,So you will come with me?"
,,Yes of course"said Tina
,,Ok...i will go"
*At match*
,,Wow it's feel so good to be again here"i turned my head to see who is in the room .And i saw Miguel, Ricky and... Cristiano.Oh no he saw me..

Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading my book that's very important for me.Next week this book will end,and if you want ,of course,i will write volume 2.But only if you want,because I will not write a book if nobody wants it, right?
Thanks again, kiss😘

Maybe he..(Book 1) /Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now