Chapter 5

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His birthday is in a beautiful hotel so we went into a hotel room.Cris is drank a little but who isn't drank for birthday..We entered​ into a big and beautiful room.I went to balcony because is a beautiful view.Cristiano came with a Jack Daniels bottle.
,,Do you want"he asked me.I don't know what do say ,i don't like to drink
,,Ok but not much". It's first time when i  drink Jack Daniel's.                                                  *After  4 Jack Daniels glasses*
,, Monika i want to ask something"I and Cris are drank
,,Yes i listent you Cris"
,,Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No i don't,but why you ask?You want to be my boyfriend?"
"Yes, you are very beautiful and cute ,especially when you blush"he looked i my eyes,,I think that i fall in love in you"he said
,,I think i fall in love in you too Cris"he was looking in my eyes and kiss me ,i understand that he want more that a simple kiss,but i can't
,,Cris ,sorry but i can't"
,,I understand ,but i can kiss you, right?"
,,You are my boyfriend can"i said.*RING,RING*It's my phone but i don't answer.Then Cris phone ring
,,Cris i think you need to answer"He answered
,,Hey Korin, Monika?yeah she is with me.In hotel room.No i am not so stupid to distroy a life.Ok wait us.
,, Gorgeous we need to go ,your sister will kill us if we don't" i don't want to leave,but we need
,,Ok let's go"
We get out if room and go to elevator.When elevator open Korin and James was here.
,,Monika,Cris are you both drank"
,,No"but we was drank
,,We can go out paparazzi are outside and they will photo Cris and Monika drank.James said to Korin
,,Ok guys ,i and Monika  go to our room and James go with Cris please,, said Korin nervous.
,,Good night gorgeous"Cris said and kiss me
*Next day*
Cristiano's POV
Oh it's 10am i need to get up.Wait yesterday what was.My head .
,,Good morning Crissy"James ?What does he lost here?
,,James WTF"
,,You don't remember anything  right?"James was right
,,Ok listen bro you and Monika are together or something,,
,,What? Really? I remember i went with Monika in this room and..we drank much and i said her that i love her and i kissed her
,,You sleep with her?"no way
,,No i can't distroy a life," but i can't understand why James laughing,, ,,What's so funny?"
,, Nothing ,you know you only meet Monika ,maybe she has a boyfriend?
,,No way Monika said yesterday that she is free"
,,She was drank ,maybe she lied to you?"Maybe James is right
,,Ok i go take a shower and after go to take my breakfast.Will you go with me?"
,,Yeah i want to eat  a cow"
,,I don't know but probably  you were brought by aliens"i laugh
,,Very funny,haha"
Monika's POV
I get up at 9:30am .I take a shower and go to the hotel restaurant to eat.I meet Korin in restaurant.I decided to eat pancakes with chocolate because i like chocolate and a Latte. Now it's 10:20.I think i saw her
,,How you sleep,,ask Korin
,,Good,OMG i have a headache.,,
,, Pfff normally..if you drink all night with Cris"
,,I don't want to talk about him""
,,Why?he is nice with you.Ok was drank but he love you."
,,I love him too,but i lied you and Cris i have a boyfriend"
,,Wait? What?How you could, it will hurt him.But why you lie to me"
,,My boyfriend and i took  a break.."
,,What?A break?Monika you weren't​ in your mind last night.That will hurt Cristiano"
,,Yeah but..""
,,Speak about Cris,he is here with James"
"Good morning Cris,James" said Korin
,,Good morning girls,,Cristiano said
,, Monika, MONIKA"Korin cry.I am a little asleep
,,Oh,yeah sorry .Good morning James ,Cris"i kiss Cristiano on the cheek
,, Hello"he just say hello it's so hurt.Korin's phone rings and she go to answer,but James go to take juice.I and Cristiano are alone .
,,Cristiano i want to tell something"i said he looks in his phone ,he message to someone,,Yes ,i listen you"
,,You  know what's was last night will be good if we forget what was"i said,but why i said that i hurt him i see in his eyes.,,But we can be friend"i said with a small smile
,,No we can't" he said get up of the table,,Bye Monika"What i did?
Cristiano's POV
,,Hey Crissy where you go"James asked
,,In Madrid i miss Junior and my mom"i said
,,But Monika?"
,,She hurt me she said that she want to forget all and be friends"
,,So are friends?"
,,No i can't she hurt me ,she rejected my love, Cristiano Ronaldo love"
,,Ok,Crissy i come with you, today we have training"
,,Ok let's go"
,,Hey Cris where you go"it's Korin
,,In Madrid,i have training"
,,Oh but Monika,you speak with here?"
,,Yes,but i think she will tell you,bye Korin"
,,Bye guys" We take our suitcases and go to airport
Monika's POV
,,Monika what happened with you and Cris"Oh nice Korin
,, Nothing ,i said that we need to forget all and be friends but he rejected,,i said with tears in eyes,but i have my sunglasses​ on.
,,I want home,,*RING RING*my phone ring ,i answer
,,Hi mom.Yes soon we fly. Sorry that i go and didn't stay with you all.Ok bye mom"
,, Let's go to airport"

Maybe he..(Book 1) /Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now