Chapter 4

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,,Ok,ok"Monika accepted to kiss me ,she came in front of me.
,, Thanks Cristiano for coffee,,she said and kiss me on the cheek.Her lips are so soft.Now i want to kiss her on lips ,but i need to wait for that moment.
,, Monika i need to go"Korin said that after a message
,, What happened?"Monika asked in my front
,,My boyfriend it's at airport,i need to go,,Korin said going out
,,Oh guys i need to go too,,James said.
,,What happened to you"i turned my head
,,My fish died,,James said sad but i know he is a good actor
,,Ok James you can find a better excuse than that"Monika said a little nervous
,, Really i need to go by guys ,have fun and i will see you both soon ,,James said and go out
,, Gorgeous do you know play football?"i asked her and put my arm over her.
,,Yes my brother Mark teach me"she know play football i think she is perfect.
,,Do you want to play?"i asked smiling at here
,,With you?"
,,I don't see anybody here so.. Let's go or you are afraid"
,,I afraid of you.Let me think...No!Let's go,,
We start playing football ,she play very well.*After 30 minutes*
,, Gorgeous is 11-11 if you gol your brother will play for Real Madrid"
,,But if not?,,
,,You will kiss me "
,,On the cheek..pff"
,,On the lips"i said looking in her eyes
,,Ok"I need to defend that ball i want to kiss her.Yes!!
,,Where is my kiss?"
,,Ok,ok"she came in my front and kiss me.Her lips are so soft.
,,This is the best birthday gift"she blushed
,,That means i will not have to buy a gift for you birthday"
,,If you will kiss me once again you don't need to buy anything"i smiled
,,If you can catch me i will give you a kiss,,she said running.I give her a advance, because i run faster than her.Finally i catch her but when i
want to kiss here James and Korin entered in home.In some day i will
take the key from James
,,Hey guys what are you doing here?"Jame asked
,,We just play football"Monika answer
,,Just football? Monika"Korin asked her in that mode like she know what we did
,,Yes...just football...right Cris"
,,Yes just football,bye the way that gorgeous girl play very well "i said look at Monika and smiled at here, wait she name me Cris.
*After 2 hours*

Monika POV
I'm at Cristiano Ronaldo birthday party.OMG how many popular people
,,Hey gorgeous you like party ? Why you are alone?"Cris is so cute he take care of me.
,,I like party.Korin is with her boyfriend and friends and i don't know anyone,,
,,But you know me and that's important"he smiled so beautiful at me
,,Monika want to go somewhere else?"he looked in my eyes and i can't say no.
,,Yeah,why not"i said smiling at him.

Maybe he..(Book 1) /Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now