Chapter 7

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*After that week*
Monika's POV
Last week i was so busy(but when i wasn't busy ).But now I'm in holiday and I'm in Madrid.Last night i spent with Korin we looked​ at a serial.And today mom and George have work,Korin too , so I'm​ gonna spend day with Mia.I love that little princess.
,,Mia where are you?"i can't find her
,, I'm here Monika"she were outside
,,Why you go outside?"
,,We have guest"What?guest
,,Hey girls!"oh it's Cristiano
,,Hey Cris, what are you doing here"i asked hugging him
,, Nothing,just i listen that you are in town and i want to see"
Oh no,no,no i will blush.He is so sweet ,he always was sweet.
,,Monika i want to eat"OMG she doesn't eat
,,Ok go to kitchen.Cris maybe you want a coffee?"i asked and i remembered​ when he made me coffee.
,,You will do that?"
,,Yes,if you want.."
,,Of course i want ,if you will make  that coffe"he said smiling and put his arm over me while we go to kitchen.
,,What you want Mia to eat?"i asked kissing her in the cheek
,,Mom give me always chocolate to eat"she said
,,Nice try,but you will eat your cereal with a glace of milk"
,,Why?I don't like milk"
,,Mia you need to drink milk, if  not you will not grow"Cristiano said,i think he is a good father
,,OK.i will drink,but what you will drink Cris?"she asked
,,I will drink a coffee"
,, Monika i want a coffee too"she said making that dog eyes
,,When you will be like Cristiano you will drink coffee,but now milk"i give Mia her cereal with milk and Cristiano his coffee
*After 20minuts*
,, Thanks Monika .Now i want to play"Mia said kissing me on cheek
,,For the begging go wash your teeth and then we will play,ok"i said
cleaning her mouth with a napkin.
,,OK"she said going to bathroom
,,You will be a good mother Monika"Cris said smiling
,,Thanks" i said going to bathroom because i heard Mia cry for help.She can't​ reach her teethbrush.Mia is funny
,, Now Monika, i can go to play?"she asked after washing her teeth
,,Yes you can"i said smiling
,,Monika?"i heard Cris
,, Tomorrow will be a party at my new hotel,you want to go?"
,,Yes ,but where it will be"
,,In Portugal at 5pm"
,,Ok i think it will be fun"
,,Ok then see you tomorrow .Now need to go training . I will come to take you at 2pm ,ok?"
,,Ok ,bye"
,,Bye gorgeous"he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.Wait he named me gorgeous again.WTF is with that man.
,,Monika!!need your help"i heard Mia cry
,,I come, What Mia?"
,,I heard Cristiano talking with James at phone about you"
,,What he told James?"
,,Cristiano asked if he need to invite at the party.And then he say yes i like Monika"
,, That's all?"
,, That's all,Monika"she said while play with her dolls.. Interesting very interesting what Cris has in his mind.
,,Monika,Mia I'm at home"it's Korin.I and Mia come down to meet Korin
,,Hey Monika,hey little princess"
,,Hi Korin"Mia jumped in her arms
,,Mia go upstairs , please i need to talk somethings with Korin"
,, Something happened?"
,, Yeah, you know about Cris party?"
,, What? No... Yes..."
,, You will go?"
,,Yes it will be a good one"she make that face like she doesn't know anything.
,,You know,Mia listen Cristiano while he speaks with James about me"
,, Really?and what said Cris"
,,He said he like me"Korin began to coughing​
,, You knew abot that?"
,,Ok than"and i go upstairs to see what do Mia.Oh how cute she sleep. Cristiano's POV
I was home alone.Junior is in Portugal ,,Hey Crissy"it is James.Why now?
,,Hey,what are you doing here?" No it isn't only James,Sergio and Gareth are too here
,,Let me rectify: what are you all doing here?"
,,Oh nothing,just James said that you want a new girl in collection" said Sergio
,,Yeah and James didn't want to tell us so..we come to ask.."said Gareth
,,Who is she?"all asked me
,, It's just a friend, nothing more"
,,Just a friend,but why you said her that will be a party at your hotel tomorrow? Anybody knows about a party."said Sergio
,,Ok guys you all are detective or something.How do you know?"
,,James said "Gareth  sitting on the couch said
,,Wow! Perfect mach! Gareth Holmes and Sergio Watson."i said sitting next to Gareth while i laugh.
,,Haha very funny Cris,but really who is she?"Sergio asked
,,Ok,ok,she is the most beautiful girl in the world"
,,Ok understand but what's​ her name?"Gareth asked
,,Her name is Monika Ferrari"
,,That Monika Ferrari,director magazine,, Always in top"and VS model " Sergio asked
,,Yeah she is"
,,I like her article about you,Cris"
,,I want to tell her tomorrow my feeling about her"
,,But Gio?"James asked while go to kitchen
,,James David Rodriguez Rubio, what did you loose in my kitchen?" I got up from the couch and go to kitchen.I saw he search in my fridge
,,Crissy i want something to eat,maybe a hamburger or cheeseburger"he said while searching​
,, Listen James my fridge isn't McDrive"
,,Oh i found some chicken,i will eat it ok?"
,,OK"i said with a fake smile.I went in living room.Sergio and Gareth look at sports news on TV.Presenter talk about Real Mardrid win.
,,So Cris what about Gio?you don't tell us"James said with moth full
,,We will break up,but not now"My phone is ringing.It's Korin
,,Hey Korin"
,,Cris listen,what kind of party?,you are not normal?"
,,What?Ok i understand,Monika told you.Listen i like her."
,,And what?if she not?She have a boyfriend. You know that Mia listen your conversation with James this morning, about how much you like her"Good that little princess destroyed all my plans
,,And told her?"
,,Yeah.Cris i need to go my parents come. Bye"
,,Bye"i finished call
,,So what told you Korin"asked James
,,That Mia listen our conversation this morning about​ Monika"
,,And what?"
,, What?She told to Monika"
,,Ok Cris be calm you will see what will be tomorrow,,said Sergio
,,Yeah,now who want to play in PlayStation?"
,,I want,, said James.He is like a child.
,,James ,and Junior is more mature than you"Sergio and Gareth laugh
,,Haha very funny Cris"

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