Riding With the Devil

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Screech. Screech. What the hell is that noise? Drifting in and out of consciousness I heard voices:

'Are they alright?

'Yeah, both of them took nasty bumps to the head and the drugs are keeping them under. Another hour or two and they'll be awake.'

'We should have been more careful.'

'Did the government send anyone? They've been trying to track us for weeks. And someone would have had to have set off an alarm.'

'Yeah they sent a TAKT team in only a couple of minutes after you guys left.'

'Shit. That was close.'

 'They're so alike. I don't think I've seen twins this identical.'

'You never know, they could have different birth marks or something. They usually do.'

'I hope not. What do you think makes them so special?'

'The poor things have no idea what their parents went through for them. And they're willing to just throw it all away. Well, this one anyway.'

Screech. Screech. That noise again. My eyes flew open like a thousand birds scared into flight. I was in the back of a van, my seatbelt rubbing hungrily against my shoulder as we bumped and jiggled along the road. From the inside the van looked like it'd been towed onto the road and coaxed into movement by hippies on crack. I could only imagine what the outside of it looked like. But if these people were going for conspicuous this was the way to do it. Nice cars were a thing of the past here. If you had a car, it was at least thirty years old with no radio, a bunged up paint job and generally the headlights didn't work.

My butt had a bruise the size of the Atlantic on the left cheek, my elbow had a nasty scratch up the side of it and my hands were painted red with carpet burn. My weapons were gone ; I'd checked by awkwardly moving into different positions. Even the one in my bra was gone!  My hands were now zip-tied in front of me. My stomach rumbled. I was starving. But none of this was as mind-fucking as who was sitting next to me, gagged and zip-tied also. My evil twin. Her head slumped forward, eyes still plastered shut, one eye bruised closed, breathing heavily.

 Across from me sat two girls and a boy that looked to be in their early twenties. 'Morning,' said cheerfully, the girl with the big blue eyes and mauve coloured hair. Tight dark coloured jeans covered the girls long legs, while a boob tube struggled to restrain her huge breasts and a brown knitted overcoat blended with her tan skin. 'Do you want anything to eat?' she asked, 'You must be starving'.

I just stared at her. The black uniforms that had hailed down on us last night lay in a heap in the right corner behind the passenger seat. Guns were littered underneath the seats along with knives and armour. I could see three other heads in the booth at the front. Two boys and a girl.

'You're Dhillan?,' the shorter of the two girls asked. She had long blonde hair that hung down past her breasts all the way to her belly button. Sunnies perched among her golden locks. She wore a pair of plain washed out jeans and a tight white singlet with a leather jacket over the top. Who the hell are these people? As if to answer my question, the blonde-haired girl said, 'I'm Bex, this is Jay,' she gestured to the girl on her right, and then to the boy on her left, 'and this is Drew. The guy driving is Keanu, the girl in the middle is Mitch, and the boy on the right is James.'

 Next to me my twin started to stir. Raising her head she looked up and around the room at everyone. Seeing me, she tensed and launched back in her seat. Then composing herself, 'Hello, Dhillan.'  I recoiled at the use of my name. There'd been rumours that the Janova government could hack into our system and look up files of all of Earth's population, but I'd never thought it would be true. How naïve I'd been. The fact that she knew my name was truth enough.

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