Trouble of a new kind.

Start from the beginning

I nodded. "Yeah.. Yeah best I've had in a long time. Thank you." I sighed softly with a smile.

"Good. Well then Bacon is cooked so if you wanna take a seat?" He nodded towards the kitchen table which had been set.

My heart did a funny turn as I looked at it.

"I- let me just put some pants or shorts on. Sorry I should have though-"

"I don't mind." He shrugged pushing the bacon on a plate before putting the pan into the sink.

"Ready pee wee?" He asked making Avari nod.

He turned and waited as she put her glass down and wrapped her arms around his neck. Securing her legs on his waist Zak placed a hand on her back before walking away from the worktop with her on his back.

I smiled watching them as he put the bacon plate down and crouched down onto the floor letting Avari slip off his back carefully.

"You coming to eat or not?" Zak asked making me move towards the kitchen table.

I took a seat beside Avari who watched as Zak began filling up his plate with fruit.

"What's that taste like?" She asked pointing to a sliced up orange.

"Orange. Want some?" He asked her.

She pushed her mouth to the side thinking about it. "Can I have a little piece? Because my mouth isn't that big." She replied looking at Zak's slice.

He chuckled and found a smaller piece putting it on her plate.

I placed some bacon down, with a croissant onto her plate as well as a banana in a hope that she might try it.

Her eyes looked up to me "You have to try it before you say you don't like it."

"Don't like what?" Zak asked opening a banana.

Avari looked at him before looking at her plate. She picked it up and pulled on the top of the banana until it popped open. I watched as she smelt it before taking a small nibble.

Zak was amused and continued to watch her until she braved up and took a bigger bite.

I watched as she chewed it really fast before gulping it down.

"And?" I asked.

"Does this make me a monkey now?" She asked.

"You are already one." Zak teased.

We are breakfast together, occasionally I had to remind Avari to finish her mouth before speaking and to try and eat some more fruit. But I realised the real influence came from the homeowner. As Zak picked up a strawberry and ate it. Avari would push herself to do the same.

Although what she didn't realise is, Zak was aware of the shadowing and had been eating fruit nonstop making her eat it too.

"Mommy I don't want anymore." She mumbled looking up at me with the banana peel and half a croissant.

The bacon, orange and countless amounts of berries and strawberries were gone instead. For the first time she had ate a whole banana!

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