Past to Present part 3

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Kakashi's POV


What was that, what happened? I looked around but all I could see was smoke. Then I heard insane laughing. When the smoke cleared I saw Saki... standing on top of Sakura!

"I told her to fight at full Strength! She didn't even go to half strength, yet she thought she could win!" She hollered out between laughter.

"Sakura/Sakura-chan!" Was shouted all around. Everyone was running toward Sakura's unconscious body as Saki diapered.  


Naruto's POV

3 weeks later

"It's been 3 weeks, why hasn't Sakura-chan waken up yet!?" I asked rather quietly.

"Who knows dobe," Sasuke-teme stated rather cold.

"Maybe she doesn't want to deal with a loud mouth boy, a heartless boy, and  perverted man." Some cold voice said from by Sakura-chan.

"Who said that!?" I screamed.

You dobe, Sakura said that, or are you to stupid to know that?" The teme stated no warmer then the last time he talked. I looked back at Sakura-chans bed, to see her eyes open and a smile on her face. 

"SAKURA-CHAN!!!!!" I hollered happily.


Sasuke's POV

After Naruto piratically shouted Sakura's name to the world I swear she was ready to kill someone, but her smile stayed. She looked over and just stared.  

"Do you have a problem?" I spat out. 

She shook her head and then turned back to Kakashi and the dobe. 'Just how strong are you to keep a smile on your face?' I thought.


Sakura's POV

After Sasuke so rudely 'talked' to me I turned back to Kakashi-sensei and Naruto. I knew they were going to barn bard me with questions so I decided to beat them to it.

"What happened?" I asked with a raspy voice. 

Kakashi-sensei handed me a glass of water then opened his mouth to speak, but Naruto beat him to it.


"You baka be quiet your making my head hurt," I snapped at him.

"Sorry Sakura-chan," He apologized.


About a week later the chunin exams happened and 5 of us Leaf shinobi (Sp?) passed: Shikimaru, Sasuke, Ten Ten, Neji, and I. (A/N I know that's not really who passed, but just work with me. My friend gave me a huge lecture about ruining the exams). But slowly after Sasuke and a lot of the others stopped talking to me. They said something about secrets and trust. But Hinata, Ten Ten, and Shikamaru didn't leave me, and it's not like Neji ever really talked to me.

The next week

Hinata and Ten Ten are taking Shikamaru and I to train with Neji, but only because the 5 of us keep getting paired up, and we know like nothing about eachother. When we got there Neji was meditating and Ten Ten decided to try a sneak attack. Note I said try, but Neji being Neji expected it and quickly blocked her. I was highly impressed.. with Ten Ten's 100th sneak attack fail. 

Sighing I asked "Are we going to train or just spend the whole afternoon laughing at Ten Ten?"

"We are not going to keep laughing at me!" Ten Ten screeched.  

"Then lets get started," Neji stated. After waking up Shikamaru 5 times we finally got some training in, and lets just say my hardest opponent was that dang Hyuga Neji! Every attack I through at him he blocked, but I did the exact same to him. Also, by the end of Neji and my battle the others along with a bunch of other shinobi (Sp?) were watching. 

"Nice try Haruno," Neji said smugly.

"I will have you know Hyuga the only reason you won was because I fell in a hole!" I snapped back.

"A hole you made," he stated.

"..." it was true I made the hole.

"I win again Haruno," Neji rubbed in my face.

"Hyuga Neji I sware-" But I never got to finish thanks to Hinata.

"Um.. guys.. why don't you stop fighting an-" But then Ten Ten cut off Hinata.

"No! No! Keep fighting I love it!" She cried out.

"Ten Ten," Neji and I both growled.

"She is not lying, but its also quiet troublesome." Shikamaru added.

"GUYS!" Hinata shouted. (A/N ok so hinata ony stutters around people she isn't used to and Naruto).  We all gave her our full attention, and the other shinobi (Sp?) looked at her like they just saw a ghost or something. "As I was saying before I was interrupted my father said I could have you all over (Except Neji because he already lives there) for team building exercises."  She quickly finished.

"Okay!" Ten Ten Screeched.

"Cool." I said trying not to imagine the worst that could happen.

"Troublesome," Came from Shikamaru.

"Hn," Was all Neji said. 

"Ok, then you can all go home and get ready then come over at about 6:00. That gives you about 2 hours." Hinata happily explained.

"Hai!" We all said (except for Neji, he was planning on how to get out of this).


Ok, I know this chapter was short, and all messed up, but tbh I didn't really know where to go with it, and I didn't want a part 5. BUT, I got to chapters for this story up, and one for another story and its only 11:12pm! The next chapter will be called The sleepover. Please comment, and I'll try to update within 3 days, but no promises. Until next time my friends! Love ya all!

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