Chapter 9: What? // Aubree is sexy when she's mad.

Start from the beginning

"Wait Z where are you going to sleep?" I ask walking towards my bedroom.

"Well if you're okay with it I thought I'd just sleep with you, I mean we've slept in the same bed once before." He smiles tugging me toward him by my waist putting his face in my hair humming out a sigh.

"Okay, but no funny business." Z nods making an 'x' over his heart with his finger. Giggling I open my door walking over to my bathroom brushing  my teeth. I come out of the bathroom to find Z already in my bed, in nothing but his boxers making me blush. Stay calm just get into bed. Crawling under the covers i cuddle my pillow. 

"You know being that I'm your boyfriend now I get to cuddle you all I want." Z says this as he pulls me closer to him, my back to his front he kisses my neck making me smile. "Goodnight princess." I hum a response and snuggle in falling asleep.

I wake up by myself with a note on the pillow beside me. 'Church princess, My Grandmother is 'requesting' your help with brunch see you at 11 for food. xo -Z' Smiling I lay back down my head hitting the pillow, after a few seconds I get up and get dressed walking into kitchen.

"Oh thank the lord, Aubree dear can you please make a desert anything will do I don't mind there's only an hour left until church is dismissed and there's so much to do. Monica left with the triplets for the day so I'm on my own." Lizzy is running around the kitchen in obvious need of helping hands.

"Of course no problem." I respond.

Just as Lizzy and I finish up making brunch and putting everything on the table everyone comes out of church and into the house Z is the last one in laughing with his dad, he looks over and as soon as he sees me his smile grows he jogs up to me, wrapping me in his his arms. We have our little moment together just enjoying each other. We didn't realize everyone has stopped talking and that they were starring intently at us. "How was your morning without me?" Z asks face in my hair.

"Well I thought for a bit that I might die without you, but I hung in there." I scoff rolling my eyes.

"Hmm careful princess, roll your eyes any further into the back of your head and they might get stuck." Z kisses my nose and pats my butt before letting me go and turning around to see every member of TDS smirking at us. "Please stare harder it's not creepy." Z shakes his head, taking my hand leading me to the table.

Everyone has just finished eating and we her a huge crash upstairs. Everyone stops hands going to their guns but they stay quiet. It all happened so fast, every window in Zander's home is being broken and before I can even breathe Z is holding me behind him and there's  gun to his face.

Zander's P.O.V.

Monster Assassin members are in my house and they have a fucking gun pointed right in between my eyes.

"You're seriously stupid enough to not only break into TDS territory but you have a gun pointed at the future president, and his girl is behind him. Do you have a brain?" I'm pissed and this clown fucking laughs. "Huh it's funny you're not the only ones with a gun." Right when I say this every single member pulls out there guns including me. Every person in the room is holding a gun minus Aubree, man and woman, TDS and MA members have guns pointed at them.

"Look man we're just here for the money you owe us. Once we get it we'll bounce." Axel says. Axel is Monsters Assassin's leaders son. Red is the president of MA's club but for some reason Red isn't here.

"Axel get you gun out of my fucking face before I beat the ever living piss out of you." I'm smiling but the only thing I'm focused on is Aubrees hand on my back. 

"Z dude you can try but once I kill you I'll have to take you hot little girlfriend as a trophy." Axel is looking around me towards Aubree, and before I can say or do anything Aubree steps around me so she's got the gun pointed at her face instead of me.

"Okay asshole, one. I wouldn't be caught dead with you. Two. If you ever fucking touched me I's have to burn my clothes and take a bleach  bath. And three. Before you could even place a hand on Z every person in this place would be putting a bullet in your body. You're in our house sweetheart so I'd put the fucking gun down before you get killed."

Every member of MA puts their guns away and my dad is nodding at me letting me know Aubree obviously belongs here, the girl has no fear. Axel is the only one that hasn't put his gun down. "Yeah hot stuff what the fuck are YOU going to do about it? or are you all talk?" Axel has a smirk on his stupid face.

Before anyone can blink Aubree has my gun and she's got it placed against Axels head. "You think I'm hot?" She smirks. "Just wait for the bullet to hit your brain, it'll be fucking hot too." I've never been so turned on before in my life no Z wrong time. "Tell your boys to get out or I will shoot you, and that's a promise." Aubree tilts her head almost as if she wants him to test her.

"I don't believe you." Axel smirks.

There's an incredibly loud bang and all guns point to a smirking Aubree and Axel is on the ground holding his knee screaming in pain. "I won't tell you again." Aubree's voice is low and threatening.

"Out. Everyone out help me. Get me the fuck out of here. You just made the biggest mistake of your life bitch." Axel is screaming.

"Wait." Aubree yells and they all stop. "The only reason I didn't blow your brains out is because I didn't want to start a war, next time you want to make a business deal call and plan a meet up. Like  a responsible leader would do." Axel nods and hobbles away with his men.

Once they're gone off the territory everyone is cheering and my dad is hugging Aubree patting her on the back. Everyone stops when she looks at me, the room goes silent as she clicks the safety on and hands me my gun. "Are you mad? That I took your gun? and maybe just started a war between clubs?"

Putting my gun away everyone is starring waiting for my response, normally if anyone touched my gun I'd be livid but I feel nothing but proud that Aubree would put her life on the line for my club, my family. "No." I say and Aubree smiles, "I think you're fucking sexy when you're mad though." Aubree can't respnd because my lips are on hers, my hands in her hair keeping her mouth on mine, she responds instantly smiling into the kiss her arms around my neck. It feels like fireworks and TDS members are cheering and clapping. It's the best kiss I've ever had in my entire life.

Well Aubree Carter welcome to the club.

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