Setting You Free

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To the one I miss already,

You're not the person you used to be
The you I knew would never leave me
The you I loved would never walk away
The you I remember would have stayed

It breaks my heart to see you now
To know you're gone, yet I won't allow
Myself to stop what's happening here
You're happy and I am filled with fear

I can't remember when things went wrong
Hard as I try, I just can't be strong

I can't bring myself to be angry with you
But we both know that it wasn't me who
Walked away, who left this time
I lost the bet that you wouldn't, every last dime

But I guess the best things never last
I guess you'll stay in the past
I really thought it was real this time
Remember back when we were partners in crime?

I doubt it though, and I blame myself
I always do, but you put me on the shelf
You chose someone else and forgot about me
And here I am watching from the Dead Sea

I should be used to this by now, but I'm not
Eventually everyone leaves me to rot

I keep coming back, I get too attached
I want to let go but I am still latched

We talked about this a while ago
But you broke all the promises made
It's gotten to a point where I don't even know
If I should even be afraid

You leaving was the least of my concerns
But expect what you don't foresee
Seeing you care more about them than me burns
But I still I love you enough to set you free

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