Chapter 15 (The unexpected)

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  • Dedicated to Lauren Fisher ;P

Chapter 15 (the unexpected)

Cody’s P.O.V.

It was now January.  I and Emma were heading to Taylor swift’s concert which Emma brought the tickets for. We were in a cab: not wanting to take a limo everywhere and cause attention. I loved my fans but they would never give me a break. My and Emma were still going good. Everything was perfect.

Emma shivered. It was a cold winter for L.A. and there was still a little snow on the road. I put an arm around her shoulder trying to warm her up.  I leant in and kissed her cheek. I could never get bored kissing her lips or cheek because every time I kissed her I still get fireworks in my stomach. She was beautiful. I could not get over the fact that she was mine and she wanted me.

I looked outside the window and saw that it was snowing again. I began to wonder if we should have come to Taylor’s concert.  I had butterflies in my stomach. I had a feeling something bad, very bad was going to happen. And it did but in slow motion.

I saw a car lose control on the other side of the road and began coming towards us. The drive tried to move but because of the snow he also lost control. I looked at Emma and she looked so scared. I hugged her tightly to me and whispered, “Everything’s going to be okay.” She crying but I could not do anything.  The car was coming closer by the second. As our car spun Emma was pulled out of my arms and I fell back. She screamed in pain. I wanted to help her but I was trapped. I could not move.

The car collided with us and Emma was thrown on top of me. “Cody I am scared” she said between cries.

“It’s going to be fine angel.” I said. I could see she was bleeding.

“Don’t let me go Cody.” She said with emotion.

“I promise.”

Emma’s P.O.V.

It was January. Me and Cody are in a cab on the way to the Taylor swift’s concert I brought tickets for. Cody had wanted to that a cab so not to cause attention. We were doing really well. I still could not believe Cody wanted me. Me of all people. I felt so lucky. I shivered. I don’t know why: I was not cold. Cody keep glance out of the window as if he knew something was going to happen. This scared me. Cody had put his arm around me and moved closer to him.

I looked out the window to see what Cody was looking at. It seemed too happened so slowly. It was snowing. The roads were quite. They was a car on the other side of the road. It had lost on control. It was heading towards up. Our driver must have saw as he was trying to move out of the way but then we lost control.

Cody pulled me tighter. He whispered to me or more liked chanted, “Everything’s going to be okay.” I began to cry. I was scared. I started to panic. I did not want to die yet. I have an amazing life. Please not me and Cody.

Our car spun and I was pulled out of Cody’s arms and was slammed into the side of the car. My back burn. I scream out in pain. The other car finally collided into up and I was frown on to Cody. I managed to say “Cody I am scared,” Between cries.

“It’s going to be fine.” Cody said trying to reassure me.

“Don’t let me go.” I did not want to loss Cody. I had only known him for less than a year.

“I promise” that was the last thing I heard. I went into blackness. I tried to scream but I would not her anyone.

Please not me. Please let Cody be okay. Please help us.


what do you think. please comment. xxxx bye cupcakes.

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