Chapter 6 pt.1 (Concert)

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(In this chapter I am going to do both Emma’s and Cody’s point of view.)

Chapter 6 pt.1 (Concert)

 Emma’s P.O.V.

YES! Only a few hours left until the concert.

I decided to wear make-up but no to much.I left my hair down and curled it.

**** Once I was ready ****

“WOW! You look amazing, Emma.” My mum told me.

“Right we are all going to take you to your concert. Are you still sure you want to go?” my dad asked for the seventh time.

“Yes dad, I want to go” And I really did.

*** At the concert ***

I opened the door of our rental car. Wow. I cannot believe I am here. My dream has come ture. I just hope I don’t do anything that will embarrass myself. breath Emma, it is going to be all right. calm down.

“Bye Emma. We will pick you up when it is finished.” My mum said.

“Bye mum, dad, Jacob and Luna.” I skipped out of the car towards the guard at the back door, showing him my pass.

“You must be Emma. I’ll show you where Cody’s room is.” The guard said to me with a smile.

“Oo.... okay” I said a little shy. Come on Emma you can do better than this. stop spluttering.

We walked down a corridor towards a door at the end. It was very quiet in here, you could only hear the distant screaming and talking of the fans outside waiting to come in.

“Here we are Emma. I hope you have fun tonight” he said as he opened the door for me.

I stumbled into the room to face four boys and a girl talking and laughing around a table. One of the boys were blushing. I guess i just mist a joke. The girl looked up as I shut the door.

.She walked over to me. "Hi, I’m Alli Simpson. You must be Emma.” She said walking up to me and hugged me. Well, she seem nice.

“Hi.” I muttered shyly.

At the same moment the four boys looked up at me with their mouths open wide. The one in the middle spoke up, “Hey you must be Emma. I’m Cody This is Jake, Campbell and josh. It’s nice to meet you. You look Stunning.” I saw him blush.Aww. Cody Simpson was blushing, it must be true what he was saying.

“Thank you” I managed to say.

Cody’s P.O.V

“So, Cody. Do you think you’ll like her?” Josh asked me as we sat in my dressing room with Jake, Campbell and Alli, waiting for Emma to come.

“I don’t know Josh. Can we talk about something else?” I replied slightly annoyed.

“Awww Cody’s blushing.” Jake teased. They all started laughing and I joined in.

I heard Alli get up and walk towards the door. “Hi, I’m Alli Simpson. You must be Emma.” I heard Alli say to Emma. Wait Emma the special guest?

I looked up and saw a girl so beautiful it hurt.I hope she did not see my blush as she walked into the room. We lock eyes for until she brought me out of my thoughts as she said. “Hi”

I went to talk and found my mouth already open. Opps. “Hey you must be Emma. I’m Cody. This is Jake, Campbell and Josh. It is nice to meet. You look stunning.” I blushed as I realised with I had just said. Well done Cdoy, make a fool of yourself.

I heard her say thank you. Tonight is going to be AMAZING!

Never Have I Kissed A Boy (a cody simpson love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz