Chapter 4 (L.A.)

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From now on it is going to be in either Emma's or Cody's point of view. thank you for reading. here is the next chapter.

Chapter 4 (L.A.)

Cody’s P.O.V.

“Cody....” My manager, Mike, started. “At this Friday’s concert you have a special guest coming”

“Who?” I asked intrigued. I don't usually have guests at my concerts. 

“Well a magazine in the UK asked us if we could give them 1 back stage pass to put in a competition.”

“urmm... okay? Who won?”

“Well a girl named Emma. She is a fan but....”

“Great!” I said half angry, half excited. I love my angels but they can get to obsessed and start screaming really loud. Some even faint. “I hope she does not try and pounce on me like some fans.” I said a little sad.

“I was going to say before you butted in that she is a fan but she is different to other fans. You’ll like her.” My manager smiled and winked at me as he said the last bit to me.

“Okay thank you Mike. I have to go. Alli wants me to go shopping with her.” I ended with. Leave the recording studio's.

*** Later***

“Hey Alli are you ready?” I asked my sister.

“Yes bro” she sang to me.

“I don’t get why you did not ask one of friends to go with you. I'm not going to be that much fun.” I muttered but unfortunately she had heard me.

“I asked you to come with me because I need your opinion on what I should get to wear for you concert this Friday and I have been told that you need to get rose’s and something else for the special guest that is coming.” Alli explained to me.

“You mean Emma?” I corrected her. why did I need to get her flowers? my manager usually gets them for me and what did she mean by something else?

“Yes and by the way, Mike texted me to tell you that you are singing ‘not just you’ to her on stage at the end.” She explained to me as she saw my confused face. Oh now I understand .

“Oh okay. I just hope she does not get fan girl on me.” I signed, remembering what Mike had said to me earier. ‘She is different’ i wonder what he meant by that.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Alli saying, “mmmm.... whatever bro, just get in the car we do not have all day!”

Once i got into the car, i got my phone out to go onto twitter. I tweeted,

“hello my angels. Are you all excited for my concert this Friday? Cause I am xx “

I looked up from my phone to see Alli grining wide. “What is it alli??” i asked her calmly, trying not to get anoyed at her. She pointed to the other side of the limo to find Jake Thrupp, Campbell Carsley, and Josh Winnington. I screamed loudly because they had been in the car the Whole way and I had not notice them. Stupid me.

Once I had calmed myself down I spoke “Why are you guys here?”

“Because we are here to support you on your concert this Friday” Jake replied happily.

“And we want to see that chick that is coming to the concert” Campbell replied with a massive grin on his face.

“Right, okay Campbell. How did you know about that?” I asked curious. They seemed to now a lot seeing as I only found out today.

“Alli told us and asked us if we wanted to come” Josh said.

“Alli why did you not tell me they were coming?” i asked a little angry.

“I wanted it to be a surprise bro....” She continued starting to get a little irritated. “But we are nearly at the mall, so shut up we still need to shop. Jake, Campbell and josh you guys can help Cody to get what he has been told to get.”

Me and the others grumbled “fine” not wanting to go shopping but not wanting to make Alli any angrier .


this one is a little longer but please inbox me with ideas. i kind of now what i want to happen but ideas  would be nice. and thank you for reading this . i will uploads again when i can..

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