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Sitting on the chipped chair of the cozy cafe, he gazed at the girl sitting across the burgundy table. This was the girl he loved , the one he had since 2 years now. He had supported and  helped her through her ups and downs; through times when her parents didn't want her to when the university was getting a bit too much.
He wanted to spend his whole life with her. He had one too many times hinted his wishes to marry her, but every time he would bring up this topic she would change it.  Starting on the fact ; she was not ready, she needed time to talk to her parents etc. He felt uncertain and  hurt because he wanted something strong to ground their relation. He loved her dearly.
Umaimah was a secret he had kept from his family, they had always warned him of relations out of Nikkah and highly disapproved them thus why he decided he will not tell them anything lest he and Umaimah decide to marry. His best friend Arhan had also warned him countless time to end things with her based on his assumptions that  Umaimah was not someone who deserved his love, that she would led him away from not only his family and friends but also his Rab. He had always been quick to shut Arhan down. He had always believed that he had a right to spend his life his way. He was bound to spend it his way.

" Umaimah , what did you want to tell me that you called me here so urgently? " Zayd asked, his veiny hands bringing the beverage mug to his lips. Eyes trained at his girlfriend who seemed nervous, her fingers playing with bracelets on her wrist.

" Zayed, I-I want to end this. Remember that guy, t-the one with whose father is the president of a rich company. My parents really like him. They want me to get married to him and I-I really like him too . I'm sorry Zayed . "

He looked at her , wide eyed as if a dagger was shot to his heart, rendering his body frozen and lips sealed. What happened to promises of livinh together till death. To oaths of love and harmony, kindness and support. He could only watch as she got up from her seat, bringing her hands down to smooth out her off-shoulders blouse and to pick her clutch from the table. He watched as she gave a last nod his way before letting her jeans clad legs carry her out of the cafe.

He could not understand  what went wrong. Was this was bound to happen ? Was this what Arhan had warned him about? Had he been wrong? Did she not love him? Was this what his family disapproved? What had happened? He couldn't understand.

It was a long long pause before he stood up to leave. He needed his mother to cure his pain with her smoothing words. He needed the one whom he had abandoned by never listening to , the one who begged to Allah(swt) for his life and health, thanked the God for granting him such a obedient child. He felt ashamed and disoriented all together. How was he going to face his oblivious innocent family? 

Zayed stepped into his house to be greeted by the sight of his mother sitting on their maroon sofa in the living room , her body shaking with laughter, her petite feet sat in his cousin Anabia's lap as she massaged them . He felt a pang of hurt as he realised how much of time  he had wasted, how many of such moments he had deprived himself of,  he was so busy in his personal life that  he forgot to spend time with his family.
" Bhai( brother ), do you want me to serve the food for you? "
He looked up to see Anabia standing in front of him. Her head clad in one of her many scarves, she wore a blue dress that fell to her knees and in her feet, were her very cherished ankle bracelets. It annoyed him sometimes that whenever she moved they made tinkling sounds.He shook his head to her question but kept his gaze fixed at her to which she tilted her head as if asking 'what?' Again he shook his head.

Anabia knew about his girlfriend which was a pure accident as she had once picked his call for him. Surprisingly, She was also one of the many people who opposed it. He had been shocked when she did because she always stood by him whenever, wherever he needed her but just one decision of his had their friendship going down a spiral so quick that her was stunned.A friendship which was once strengthen by trust and respect. He had always thought Anabia had betrayed him by opposing her but he was wrong , unknown to him she was always by his side.


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