E M E R Y · 1 5

83 6 1

E D I T E D : J U L Y  3 1 ,  2 0 1 7


After I spilled out my horrible past, Seth did just the thing I needed and wanted.

He held me close and comforted me through my tears.

And I found myself drowning in him, in his heart of gold. I knew he wasn't just a friend to me anymore. He was more than that. My feelings for him want from unsure about his motives to wanting to kiss him in the span of about a month.

Feeling are crazy things, aren't they?

"Seth?" I whisper.

He pulls back a little from me. "Yeah?"

"I'm not okay."


When I wake up the next morning, I feel refreshed and lighter. Like most of the weights on my shoulders have been lifted off.

Seth is still asleep next to me, looking adorable. He sleeps on his stomach, one arm under his pillow and head, the other across my waist. Seth is snoring lightly, with his hair sticking up in odd directions. I smile.

I carefully move his arm off of me, watching as he stirs slightly before falling still again. I shake my head and get up, deciding to shower. I grab some fresh clothes and my shower necessities. I quietly tip-toe into the bathroom, not knowing if Ms. Finley is up yet.

I shut and lock the bathroom door and turn on the shower as hot as it would go. I strip off my clothes, sparing a glance at my reflection in the mirror.

I shouldn't have.

I look...almost dead. Like a zombie. Most of the skin covering my chest and abdomen is covered in yellowish, greenish, bluish, bruises. My thighs look similar. I have slight bags under my eyes, and I am way too skinny.

Maybe I'm the one that needs help.

I try to stop thinking about it and step into the shower. The boiling hot water scalds my skin at first, but then it almost numbs it. It feels nice, like maybe I'm boiling that guy's touch off of my body. I like to think that, anyways.

As I stand under the steaming hot water, I start to think about how I need to pay Ms. Finley and Seth back somehow. I can pay rent.

Thinking about rent made me think of the fact that I have to work today. All day, since it's Sunday. I sigh and finish my shower.

When I get out, my skin was bright red, but I barely notice as I dress in black jeans, then realize I forgot my work shirt.

I huff and brush my hair, then leave the bathroom in my bra and jeans. I look around cautiously, then scamper into Seth's room. I ruffle through my suitcase and finally pull out my shirt.

I turn around, making sure Seth was still asleep and didn't see me in my bra. Then I, being my clumsy self, accidentally knocked a picture frame off his dresser with my elbow.

It clatters to the ground, making a loud sound in the silence. Seth rolls over and opens his eyes, squinting. "Emery?" He mumbles. "What are you doing?"

My eyes widen and I freeze, my shirt in my hand.

"Emery? What happened?" He asks, sitting up and looking at me. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

I fumble for and answer. My lips don't want to let words out. I'm frozen, my cheeks burning red with embarrassment.

"I grabbed the wrong one," I finally mumble, quickly slipping it over my head. "Sorry I woke you."

Seth shrugs, yawning. "It's alright. I'm usually up by this time anyways," he says. I know he was just saying that for my sake, but it did make me feel a little better.

"I have to head off to work in about twenty minutes," I say, glancing at his clock that read 9:40.

"I can give you a ride," he immediately offers, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"It's fine. I usually walk," I answer, waving him off. I grab my old tennis shoes and slip them on.

"What if I said I wanted some pizza?"

I turn to him, raising an eyebrow. "At ten in the morning?"

"Totally. I could eat pizza for every meal of my mom would let me," Seth scoffs, standing up and stretching his arms.

"Honestly, I don't doubt that," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You shouldn't," Seth tells me. "I'll get dressed and then we can go."

I nod, grabbing my phone and leaving the room. I carefully go down the stairs, then make my way to the kitchen.

"Morning Emery," Ms. Finley says, pouring black coffee into a mug. She adds a little cream and a spoonful of sugar, then stirs it.

"Morning," I say, smiling briefly. I grab a cup from the cabinet and fill it with water and drink it all.

Me. Finley looks at my t-shirt, which is black with red lettering that read "Tony's Pizzeria" in cursive. There's a pepperoni pizza under it.

"Work?" She guesses.

I nod. "Yeah. I still have to pay the rent for the house," I say, shrugging.

Ms. Finley nods. "I understand. I have to leave for work at noon," she says. "When are you leaving?"

I open my mouth to speak, but Seth comes bounding down the stairs, whistling loudly. "Ready to go?" He asks, twirling his keys on his finger. He's dressed in a navy blue t-shirt and jeans with his usual Converse.

"Yup," I say.

"I guess you're leaving now," Ms. Finley says, laughing. "Well, I'll see you kids later. Drive safe."

"I will. Love you Mom!" Seth says, kissing his mother's cheek.

"Love you too, son. Bye Emery. Bye Seth," she says, smiling before returning to her mug of coffee.

"Bye!" We call. With that, we leave Seth's house.

We clamber into his truck and he started the engine. "Tony's, right?" Seth says, pulling out of his driveway.

  "Yeah," I say simply.

"Alright," Seth says, nodding as he drives in the right direction. "Hey, maybe I should get a job there. Then I could annoy you all the time!"

I laugh. "Can't wait."


Saving Emery ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now