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Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, Tao and Lay BUTTED in our conversation:

Baekhyun:"Yah hyung. Isn't that the cute girl who is with you guys a while ago? She is not from here right?"

Chanyeol: "Wait what?! You guys know her?! Why didn't you tell me?! Do you have her number hyung? can i have it? Jebal jebal jebal *pouts*"

Kris: "so you know her huh? give me her number hyung, jebal"

Tao: "Jinja hyung?! You know her? are you gonna introduce us to her? How old is she? Is she my noona or my dongsaeng? Yah hyung answer me! ppali"

Lay: "Tao is right hyung. you should introduce her to us she's *cough* HOT! *cough* I want her hyung. I WANT HER"

'Aish...Jinja?! this guys are really something and luckily SHE is already MINE Lay, SHE'S MINE' i am thinking out loud.

Suho shush them already after Lay speak.

Kai and I received a text message from her. We were shocked and we looked at each other then back to our phone. The otherS are looking at us in confusion.

it became silent for a moment then Kai asked "you recieved the text hyung?" I replied "nae. so i think its time to tell them already" he nodded and I said "Suho-ah please keep them behave, we are going somewhere and going to have a meeting with someones. please behave or i will pospone this meeting with this important people and I will tell manager hyung too. arasseo?" then suho said "did you hear what hyung said? behave or else." "nae hyung" they said in unison.

------->fast forward<-------

We are her at the front of Drifters's Restaurant. We get inside and someonein who wears the restaurant's uniform said " Uhm Excuse me, are you EXO?" "Nae" Suho-ah said " please follow me you have a meeting with the Tokyo Drifters right? They are at the VIP room and here we are" the waiter said and left. "Tokyo Drifters? What the heck hyung?! Why are we here? meeting with drifters of tokyo?! are you insane?!" Luhan said in panic "Yah! What did I said earlier huh?! I said they are very important so shut up." i said in a cold tone and Luhan immidiately shut  his mouth up then I twisted the door knob. we entered the room and saw their shocked reaction. of course Kai and I ain't in shock because we knew it already.



sorry for short update guys.. need to sleep cause i am ILL so wait for the next update tomorrow...


EXO Fan Fic: When the last teardrop falls		by: AJB - Lee Yong AhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon